
Your tongue is hostile to this world full of strife

لسانك للدنيا عدو مشاحن

1. Your tongue is hostile to this world full of strife
While your heart differs therein from your tongue

١. لِسَانُك للدُّنيا عَدُوُّ مُشَاحِن
وقلبُك فِيها لِلّسانِ مُبايِنُ

2. It harms not what you say of it, for sincere
Is the love in your heart for it, though hidden

٢. وما ضَرَّها ما قُلتَ فِيهَا وقَد صَفا
لَهَا مِنكَ وُدّ في فُؤَادِكَ كامِنُ