
If you rebuke a stubborn man, you only add fuel to the flames,

إذا زجرت لجوجا زدته علقا

1. If you rebuke a stubborn man, you only add fuel to the flames,
And his soul becomes more stubborn in its persistence.

١. إِذا زَجَرتَ لَجُوجا زِدتَه عُلَقا
ولجَّتِ النَّفسُ منهُ في تَمَادِيها

2. So return to him with gentleness when his soul is restless,
For gentleness can dissuade it.

٢. فَعُد عليه إذا ما نَفسُه جَمَحت
باللينِ مِنكَ فإنَّ اللِّينَ يَثنيِها