
How can one feel secure from the vicissitudes of Time

وكيف يأمن ريب الدهر مرتهن

1. How can one feel secure from the vicissitudes of Time
When Time itself is your enemy? For Time is ever fickle.

١. وكيف يأمنُ ريبَ الدَّهرِ مُرتَهَنٌ
بِعَدوِهِ الدَّهرَ إنَّ الدَّهرَ عَدَّاءُ

2. It overturned 'Aad like so many palm-trees that it uprooted,
And the people of Hood; they were annihilated, destroyed.

٢. ألقى على الجِيلِ مِن عادٍ كَلاكِلَهُ
وَقَومِ هُودٍ فهم هامٌ وأَصدَاءُ