
A gazelle with a face that earns wishes

غزال له وجه ينال به المنى

1. A gazelle with a face that earns wishes
Sees killing a friend as a religious duty

١. غَزالٌ لَهُ وَجهٌ يَنالُ بِهِ المُنى
يَرى الفَرضَ كُلَّ الفَرضِ قَتلَ صَديقِهِ

2. If he does not restrain the blows of his cheeks
Tell him to allow the antidote of his saliva

٢. فَاِن هُوَ لَم يَكفُف عقارِبَ صَدغِهِ
فَقولوا لَه يَسمح بِتِرياقِ ريقِهِ