1. Old age spreads out a lifetime then folds it up,
And time makes a worry distant then draws it near.
١. الشَيبُ يَنشُرُ عُمراً ثُمَّ يَطويهِ
وَالدَهرُ يُبعِدُ هَمّاً ثُمَّ يُدنيهِ
2. My lifetime's companion - his leave-taking cannot be avoided
By my white hair, though its occasions have pressed hard.
٢. وَصاحِبُ العُمرِ لم تفرَق مَفارقُه
من البَياضِ وَاِن لَجَّت عَواديه
3. I have had forty years wherein I was the firmest companion,
And I have had two others as allies - I cannot do without them.
٣. لي أَربعونَ تَمَلَّيتُ الاشدَّ بها
وَلي اِثنَتانِ حَليفٌ لا أُواليه
4. I am not surprised that my peers bear witness
To my white hair, though I doubt its advancing.
٤. وَلَم أَعجّ بِأَقراني اِذا شَهدوا
بَياضَ شعري وَأَشكُ من تعدّيه
5. Thanks be to God that white hair comes
To one devoted to Unity and Justice, not Determinism or Anthropomorphism.
٥. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ اِذ كانَ المَشيبُ عَلى الت
تَوحيدِ وَالعَدلِ لا جَبرٍ وَتشبيه
6. Thanks be to God that white hair comes
To the religion of Shi'ism, no other religion opposes it.
٦. وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ اِذ كانَ المَشيبُ عَلى
دينِ التَشيُّعِ لا دينٍ يُنافيهِ
7. I prefer only him whom his deeds prefer
And his efforts purify and sustain him.
٧. وَلا أُفَضِّلُ إِلّا مَن تَفضِّلُهُ
أَفعالُهُ وَتَزكّيهِ مَساعيه
8. One like the successor 'Ali, present at any raid
While the people waver between going astray and foolishness.
٨. مَن كَالوَصِيِّ عَلِيٍّ عِندَ سابِقَةٍ
وَالقَومُ ما بَينَ تَضليلٍ وَتَسفيه
9. One like the successor 'Ali, when battle was joined
While the sword struck whom it would, according him the merit.
٩. مَن كَالوَصِيِّ عَلِيٍّ عِندَ ملحمةٍ
وَالسَيفُ يَأخُذُ مَن يَهوى وَيُعطيه
10. One like the successor 'Ali, when a problem was obscure,
While his knowledge was an overflowing sea on every side.
١٠. مَن كَالوَصِيِّ عَليٍّ عِندَ مُشكِلَةٍ
وَعلمُهُ البَحرُ قَد فاضَت نَواحيهِ
11. One like the successor 'Ali, when all shifts were exhausted
Who was generous with sustenance, preferring others to himself
١١. مَن كَالوَصِيِّ عَليّ عِند مخمَصةٍ
قَد جادَ بِالقوتِ ايثاراً لعافيهِ
12. So he had no fear of hunger or thirst,
While God would sate him, and God would water him.
١٢. فَما يُحاذِرُ من جوعٍ وَلا عطشٍ
وَاللَهُ يُشبِعُه وَاللَهُ يَرويه
13. The gate to the City - do not seek with it a substitute
To enter by, and leave free the side of error.
١٣. بابُ المَدينَة لا تَبغوا بِهِ بَدَلاً
لِتَدخُلوها وَخلّوا جانِبَ التيهِ
14. Equal to the virgin daughter and no equal to her but she
While the matter reveals the thing that would rival it.
١٤. كَفو البتول وَلا كفو سواهُ لَها
وَالأَمر يَكشِفُهُ أَمرٌ يُوازيهِ
15. O day of Badr, the mention of its stand remains preserved
So the Tablet preserves it, and Revelation dictates it!
١٥. يا يَومَ بَدرٍ تجشَّم ذكرَ موقِفِهِ
فَاللَوحُ يَحفَظُهُ وَالوَحيُ يُمليهِ
16. And You, O Uhud, say: is there anyone in the world
Who can disbelieve what I have said concerning it?
١٦. وَأَنتَ يا أُحدُ قُل ما في الوَرى أَحدٌ
يَطيقُ جحداً لما قد قُلتُهُ فيهِ
17. Fair one, flow freely speaking
For you are clothed in a beauty turned entirely towards us.
١٧. بَراءَةُ اِسترسلي لِلقَولِ وَاِنبَسطي
فَقَد لبستِ جمالاً من تَوَلّيه
18. And if I return to the day of Ghadir, how much
Is there of glory and pride I relate and transmit!
١٨. وَان رجعتُ إِلى يومِ الغَديرِ وَكم
من مَفخرٍ فيهِ أَحكيهِ وَأَرويهِ
19. Had Aaron seen that he whom rancour struck blind below discernment
Would be made successor, it would have astonished him.
١٩. وَكانَ هارونَ موسى لو تَبَيَّنَهُ
مَن قد غَدا النَصب دون الرشد يَعميه
20. If I wrote all the successor attained,
The expanse of the earth would not encompass it.
٢٠. وَلو كتبتُ الَّذي حازَ الوَصِيُّ لما
كانَ البساطُ بِساطُ الأَرضِ يَكفيهِ
21. But I briefly compose it in verses -
I have a secret from those of my people who support him.
٢١. لكِنَّني بِيَسيرِ القَولِ أَنظُمُهُ
أُسِرُّ مَن سُرَّ قَومي من تَوِلّيهِ
22. Just as the clan of Harb in their entirety were accursed by me
And I oppose whoever opposes him.
٢٢. كَما بَلَعني بَني حربٍ وَاسرتهم
أُشجي وَأُرغمُ مَن أَضحى يُعاديهِ
23. My master, Commander of the Faithful, verily
I cling to the rope of your alliance; I do not loose it.
٢٣. يا سَيدي يا أَمير المُؤمِنين لَقَد
عَلِقتُ مِنكَ بِحَبلٍ لا أُخَلّيه
24. You have become my master; I desire no substitute.
To you I direct praise, praise which its purpose attains.
٢٤. أَصبحتَ مَولايَ لا أَبغي بِها بَدلا
أُهدي لهُ المَدح مَدحاً فازَ مُهديه
25. By God, I have no fear of overweening fortune
Or expectation dependent on you which does not gain its wish.
٢٥. وَاللَهُ ما خِفتُ من خَطبٍ وَلا أَملٍ
مُعَلَّقٍ بِكَ لم تَحصُل مَراميه
26. O Family of Ahmad, a traveller does not desist
Going round and round you, my nature journeying or taking rest.
٢٦. يا آلَ أَحمدَ لا تَنفَكُّ سائِرَةٌ
فيكُم تُراوِحُ طَبعي أَو تُغاديهِ
27. It heads East and West, no halting for it,
As if Fate itself, while God is its director!
٢٧. تَرومُ شَرقاً وَغَرباً لا وُقوفَ لها
كَأَنَّها قَدَرٌ وَاللَهُ مُجريهِ
28. How many poets have I contended with in poetry and subdued
As soon as I said anything its rhymes flowed pleasantly!
٢٨. كَم شاعِرٍ حَرِبت أَشعارُهُ وَكبت
اِبّانَ ما قُلتُ قد سارَت قَوافيهِ
29. Whenever I compose a line in your praise
The wind lifts it up and the sun waters it.
٢٩. مَتى نَظمتُ بِبَيتٍ في مَديحِكُمُ
فَالريحُ تَرفَعُهُ وَالشَمسُ تَرويهِ
30. People say "the poetry of Ibn 'Abbad," and so he worships
Whoever seeks poetry and knows its meanings.
٣٠. يُقالُ شِعرُ ابنِ عَبّادٍ فَيعبدُهُ
مَن يَطلُبُ الشعرَ يَدري ما مَعانيهِ
31. My masters of the House of Zahra, this eulogy
Has arrived from a slave to his masters.
٣١. يا سادَتي من بَني الزَهراء قَد وَرَدت
هذي مَديحَةَ عَبدٍ في مَواليهِ
32. If it were recited tomorrow among the inhabitants of the Gardens
The houris would pride themselves on gathering up its pearls.
٣٢. لَو قالَها بَينَ سُكّانِ الجنانِ غَداً
تَباهَت الحورُ لقطَ الدرِّ من فيهِ
33. O Shaykh of the Two 'Iraqs, recite it slowly
For the adornment of poetry is in the fine style of its reciter.
٣٣. يا شَيخَ كوفانَ أَنشَدها مجوَّدَةً
فَحليَةُ الشِعرِ في تَجويدِ راويهِ