
Oh generous master who granted bounty, doing good

أبو الفضل من أجرى الى الفضل يافعا

1. Oh generous master who granted bounty, doing good
Thus with it being called and becoming known

١. أَبو الفَضلِ مَن أَجرى الى الفَضلِ يافِعاً
فَظَلَّ بِهِ يُدعى وَصارَ بِهِ يُكنى

2. His health is the sun of glory and his illness
Is an eclipse of glory, no covering or building

٢. سَلامَتُهُ شَمسُ المَعالي وَسَقمُهُ
كُسوفُ المَعالي لا كُسِفنَ وَلا بِنّا

3. And no sickness came to him except what
We know so take the meaning of his pain from us

٣. وَلم يَأتِهِ وِردُ السقام لِغَير ما
عَرَفنا فَخُذ مَعنى تَأَلُّمِهِ مِنّا

4. And nothing wanted it but to distract him from generosity
Otherwise why was the right hand singled out for pain?

٤. وَما رادَهُ الا لِيُشغَلَ عَن نَدىً
وَاِلا فَلِم قَد خَصَّ بِالأَلَم اليمنى

5. Neither the vast sea from generosity desists
Nor the master professor from his generosity is deterred

٥. وَما يُحجَز البَحرُ الخَضمُّ عَن النَدى
وَلا السَيِّدُ الاِستاذ عَن جودِهِ يُثنى