
And a line as though God said to its beauty

وخط كأن الله قال لحسنه

1. And a line as though God said to its beauty
Become like the one who drew you today and date

١. وَخطٍّ كَأَنَّ اللَهَ قال لِحُسنِهِ
تَشَبَّه بِمن قَد خَطَّكَ اليَومَ فَأتَمَر

2. And alas! Where is this line from the beauty of his face
And where is the darkness of night from the bright full moon

٢. وَهَيهات اين الخط من حُسن وَجهِهِ
وَأَين ظَلامُ اللَيلِ مِن صَفحَة القَمر