1. Why does Alwa not answer my call
Even though I bid farewell to the prime of my youth?
١. ما بالُ عَلوى لا تردُّ جَوابي
هذا وَما وَدَّعتُ شَرخَ شَبابي
2. Do you think the rewards of youth are obtained through my determination?
The days of dyeing have passed and I do not know my dye
٢. أَتَظُنُّ أَثوابَ الشَبابِ بِلَمَّتي
دَورَ الخضابِ فَما عَرَفتُ خضابي
3. Have you not seen that the world obeys my commands
And fate sticks to however I want its side?
٣. أَوَلَم تَرَ الدُنيا تطيعُ أَوامري
وَالدَهرُ يَلزمُ كيفَ شِئتُ جنابي
4. Life is still plentiful and the theaters still crowded
And worries have sworn not to leave my door
٤. وَالعيش غَض وَالمَسارِح جمَّة
وَالهَمُّ أَقسَمَ لا يَطورُ بِبابي
5. The loyalty of Muhammad's family chose me
And justice and monotheism have been blessed through me
٥. وَوَلاءُ آلِ محمدٍ قَد خيرَ لي
وَالعَدل وَالتَوحيدُ قَد سَعدا بي
6. After the demands of the seeker were fulfilled
The door of guidance to the right path was opened
٦. من بَعدِ ما اِستَدَّت مَطالِبُ طالِبٍ
بابَ الرشادِ إِلى هُدىً وَصَوابِ
7. I returned to the land of Isfahan and its ignorance
With firm principles and eloquent speech
٧. عاوَدتُ عرصَةَ أَصبَهانَ وَجَهلُها
ثَبتُ القَواعِدِ مُحكمُ الاِطنابِ
8. Constraint and analogy have persisted there
And religion is the doctrine of idolators
٨. وَالجَبر وَالتَشبيه قَد جثما بِها
وَالدينُ فيها مَذهَبُ النُصّاب
9. I held them back for a time and almost finished them
Except the riffraff among the tail-carriers
٩. فَكَفَفتُهُم دهراً وَقد نَفَّقتُهُم
إِلّا أَراذِلَ من ذَوي الأَذناب
10. And I narrated from the excellence of the Prophet and his family
What dispels all doubts
١٠. وَرَوَيتُ من فَضلِ النَبِيِّ وَآلِهِ
مالا يُبَقّي شَبهةَ المُرتابِ
11. And I mentioned what the Prophet was distinguished with
Of the pride of deeds and ancestry
١١. وَذَكرتُ ما خُصَّ النَبِيُّ بِفَضلِهِ
من مَفخر الأَعمالِ وَالأَنسابِ
12. Leave those whose sickness was known through
Listening to my sermon is their cure
١٢. وَذَرِ الَّذي كانَت تَعَرَّفُ داءَهُ
اِنَّ الشِفاءَ لهُ اِستِماعُ خِطابي
13. O Muhammad’s family, you are my refuge
Through which I protected my soul from afflictions
١٣. يا آلَ أَحمدَ أَنتُمُ حِرزي الَّذي
أَمنَت بِهِ نَفسي من الأَوصابِ
14. I was blessed with worldly joys and loyal to you
And so it will always be with good fortune
١٤. أُسعِدتُ بِالدُنيا وَقد والَيتكُم
وَكَذا يَكونُ مَع السعود مَأبي
15. You are God's lanterns in the darkness of night
And His unsheathed sword in every battle
١٥. أَنتُم سراجُ اللَهِ في ظُلَمِ الدُجى
وَحسامهُ في كُلِّ يومِ ضراب
16. And His bright stars that guide creation
And His lions if the beasts of the forest are absent
١٦. وَنجومُهُ الزُهرُ الَّتي تهدي الوَرى
وَليوثُهُ اِن غابَ لَيثُ الغابِ
17. No religion is hoped for without love of you
Can rain be expected without clouds?
١٧. لا يُرتَجي دينٌ خَلا من حُبِّكُم
هَل يُرتَجى مَطَر بِغَيرِ سَحاب
18. You are God's right hand in His lands
If the idolators recognize, their answer will return
١٨. أَنتُم يَمينُ اللَهِ في أَمصارِهِ
لَو يعرفُ النصّابُ رجعَ جَواب
19. They left wine and complained of handcuffs from exhaustion
And falsely blamed it on a mirage
١٩. تَرَكوا الشَراب وَقَد شَكوا غُلَل الصَدى
وَتَعَلَّلوا جَهلا بِلمع سراب
20. They did not know that passions pursue whoever
Abandons doctrine, pride of ancestry
٢٠. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الهَوى يَهوى بِمَن
تَركَ العَقيدَةَ رنة الأَنسابِ
21. They did not know that the Trustee is the one who
Vanquished fierce warriors every victorious day
٢١. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
غَلَبَ الخضارِمَ كلَّ يومِ غلابِ
22. They did not know the Trustee is the one
To whom the Prophet showed brotherly affection
٢٢. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
آخى النَبِيَّ اخوَّةَ الاِنجاب
23. They did not know the Trustee is the one
Who preceded everyone in the Way and Scripture
٢٣. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
سَبَقَ الجَميعَ بِسُنَّةٍ وَكتاب
24. They did not know the Trustee is the one
Who did not accept idols and statues
٢٤. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
لَم يَرضَ بِالأَصنامِ وَالأَنصاب
25. They did not know the Trustee is the one
Who gave alms while bowing in prayer
٢٥. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
آتى الزَكاةَ وَكانَ في المِحراب
26. They did not know the Trustee is the one
To whom Ghadeer ruled over the Companions
٢٦. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
حَكَمَ الغَديرُ لَهُ عَلى الأَصحاب
27. They did not know the Trustee is the one
Who took terrible vengeance on the polytheists
٢٧. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
قَد سامَ أَهلَ الشِركِ سَوم عَذاب
28. They did not know the Trustee is the one
Who at Badr hunted every intended prey
٢٨. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
أَزرى بِبَدرٍ كُلَّ أَصيَدَ آبي
29. They did not know the Trustee is the one
Who abandoned misguidance, restrained from violence
٢٩. لَم يَعلَموا أَنَّ الوَصِيَّ هوَ الَّذي
تَرَكَ الضَلالَ مُفَلَّلَ الأَنياب
30. Why should I recount the virtues of the ocean
That infinitely surpasses all counts?
٣٠. مالي أَقصُّ فَضائِلَ البَحرِ الَّذي
عَلياه تَسبِقُ عدَّ كُلِّ حساب
31. But I casually mention some of what
I state, hoping it will increase my reward
٣١. لكِنَّني مُتَرَوِّحٌ بِيَسير ما
أُبديهِ أَرجو أَن يَزيدَ ثَوابي
32. And I want to silence the hostility of the Haters
Whenever they hear my words, the sound of the rebab
٣٢. وَأُريدُ اكمادَ النَواصِبِ كُلَّما
سَمعوا كَلامي وَهو صوتُ رَبابِ
33. Is it not sweet when a Shia recites his mention
But it is like a slap in the face of the Haters
٣٣. أَيَحلو اِذا الشيعيُّ رَدَّد ذكرَهُ
لكِن عَلى النُصابِ مثل الصاب
34. In praise like the days of youth I made them
My doctrine, and they are the pillars of ethics
٣٤. مِدَح كَأَيّامِ الشَبابِ جَعَلتُها
دابي وَهُنَّ عَقائِدُ الادآب
35. My love for the Commander of the Faithful is a creed
Through which my innermost thoughts and clothes appeared
٣٥. حُبّي أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ دِيانَةٌ
ظَهَرت عَلَيهِ سَرائِري وَثِيابي
36. It led the insights I actualized
To the work of the confident conscience
٣٦. أَدَّت اِلَيهِ بَصائِر أَعمَلتُها
اِعمالَ مَرضِيِّ اليَقينِ عُقابي
37. Neither conformity nor affection misguided me
To follow the exemplars and the accounts
٣٧. لَم يَعبَث التَقليدُ بي وَمَحَبَّتي
لعمارَة الأَسلافِ وَالأَحسابِ
38. O daughter of Muhammad, without you
None would be matched to a human for eternities
٣٨. يا كُفؤَ بِنتِ محمدٍ لَولاكَ ما
زُفَّت اِلى بَشرٍ مَدى الأَحقاب
39. O root of Ahmad's family, without you
Ahmad would not have descendants
٣٩. يا أَصلَ عترةِ أَحمدٍ لَولاكَ لَم
يكُ أَحمدُ المَبعوثُ ذا أَعقابِ
40. You were blessed with the two grandsons, the best
Of births, incorporated in the folds of lineage
٤٠. وَأُفِئتَ بِالحَسَنَينِ خير وِلادَةٍ
قَد ضُمِّنَت بِحَقائِبِ الاِنجاب
41. The Prophet was the city of knowledge
Containing all perfection, and you were its greatest gate
٤١. كانَ النَبِيُّ مَدينَةَ العِلمِ الَّتي
حَوَت الكَمال وَكنتَ أَفضلَ باب
42. The sun was restored to you, a merit
That dazzled, so it was not veiled by a cloak
٤٢. رُدَّت عَلَيكَ الشَمسُ وَهيَ فَضيلَة
بَهرت فَلَم تُستَر بلفِّ نقاب
43. I do not speak except what the Haters themselves narrated
Of your virtue, which reveals ancestry
٤٣. لم أَحكِ الا ما رَوَتهُ نَواصِب
عادتك وَهيَ مُباحَة الأَسلاب
44. You were betrayed, O grandson of the Prophet
With such marvels that came with great wonders
٤٤. عومِلتَ يا صَنوَ النَبِيِّ وَتلوَهُ
بِأَوابِدٍ جاءَت بكُلِّ عُجاب
45. You were promised then betrayed and the band
Turned back, fleeing the battle in defeat
٤٥. عوهِدتَ ثُمَّ نُكِثتَ وَاِنفَرَدَ الأُلى
نَكَصوا بِحَربِهِمُ عَلى الأَعقاب
46. You were warred against, then killed, then cursed, O
May they be distantly damned for eternity!
٤٦. حورِبتَ ثُمَّ قُتِلتَ ثُمَّ لُعِنتَ يا
بُعداً لأَجمَعَهم وَطولَ تباب