1. Redness tells of the sun, its shape and form
Its descriptions derived from its attributes
١. وَأَحمَرَ يَحكي الشَمسَ شَكلاً وَصورَةً
فَأَوصافُهُ مُشتَقَّةٌ من صِفاتِهِ
2. If called a gold coin, its name is true
If called one thousand, that's some of its traits
٢. فَاِن قيلَ دينارٌ فَقَد صَدَقَ اِسمُهُ
وَاِن قيلَ أَلف كانَ بَعضَ سِماتِهِ
3. Marvelous, none like it stamped onto time
Nor similar to its configurations of nobility
٣. بَديعٌ فَلَم يُطبَع عَلى الدَهر مِثلُهُ
وَلا ضُرِبَت أَضرابُهُ لِسَراتِه
4. It was brought out by a celestial revolution
With it fortune erected its necklace
٤. فَقَد أَبرَزَتهُ دَولَةٌ فَلَكِيَّةٌ
أَقامَ بِها الاِقبالُ صَدرَ قَناتِهِ
5. Its lineage ascends to the King of Kings
As if it's a diminutive of his virtues
٥. وَصارَ إِلى شاهانشاهَ اِنتِسابُهُ
عَلى أَنَّهُ مُستَصغَرٌ لِعُفاتِهِ
6. Informing that it will remain years equal to its weight
So the world rejoices in the length of its life
٦. يُخَبِّرُ أَني َبقى سِنين كَوَزنِهِ
لِتَستَبشِر الدُنيا بِطولِ حَياتِهِ
7. His servant adorned himself in it, and the son of his servant
And the scion of his hands, and enough of its capacities
٧. تَأَنَّقَ فيهِ عَبدُهُ وَاِبنُ عَبدِهِ
وَغَرسُ أَياديهِ وَكافي كِفاتِهِ