
I congratulate the son who spreads companionship among people

هنيته ابنا يشيع الأنس في البشر

1. I congratulate the son who spreads companionship among people
I congratulate the arrival of this formidable young man

١. هُنِّيتَهُ اِبنا يشيعُ الأُنسَ في البَشَرِ
هُنّيتَ مقدمَ هذا الصارِم الذكَرِ

2. His brother is like the sun which spreads its light on him
So join these two, the sun and the moon

٢. أَخوهُ كَالشَمسِ قَد عَمَّ الضِياءُ بِهِ
فَاِجمَع بِهذينِ بَينَ الشَمسِ وَالقَمرِ

3. His name is Mansur and his nickname
Abu Al Muzaffar, between victory and triumph

٣. أَما اِسمُهُ فَهو مَنصورٌ وَكُنيَتُهُ
أَبو المظفَّر بَين النَصر وَالظَفَرِ

4. You are the life of refinement in which you excelled
So flow for me like the course of hearing and sight

٤. أَنتَ الحَياةُ لِآدابٍ برعتَ بِها
فَليجرِ لي مِثل مَجرى السَمع وَالبَصَر