
Badr al-tamm thought his beauty was impaired

لقد ظن بدر التم نقص جماله

1. Badr al-tamm thought his beauty was impaired
So away with the face of the moon and its misjudgement

١. لَقَد ظَنَّ بَدرُ التمِّ نَقصَ جَمالِهِ
فَبُعداً لِوَجه البَدر مَع سوءِ ظَنِّهِ

2. If Harut had seen the magic of his eyes
He would have learned magic from the edge of his eyelids

٢. وَلَو أَنَّ هاروتاً رَأى سِحرَ عَينِهِ
تَعَلَّمَ كَيفَ السِحرُ من حدّ جفنِهِ