
Why do I see people, when they hear

مالي أرى قوما اذا سمعوا

1. Why do I see people, when they hear
One day of the virtues of the great ones, blossom

١. مالي أَرى قوماً اِذا سَمِعوا
يَوماً بِفضلِ أَكابِرٍ زُهر

2. The virtue of the Prophet and the virtue of his family
Look at me with frowning eyes

٢. فَضلِ النَبِيِّ وَفضلِ عترتِهِ
نَظروا اليَّ بِأَعينٍ خُزرِ

3. They have clearly expressed a text with their birth
And the branch may indicate the carob tree

٣. قَد أَفصَحوا نَصّاً بِمَولِدِهم
وَالفَرعُ قَد يُنبي عن النَجرِ

4. So when I mention their virtues to them
They say you have insulted Abu Bakr with them

٤. فَاِذا ذكرتُ لهُم فَضائِلَهُ
قالوا شَتَمتَ بها أَبا بكرِ

5. Everyone has a virtue by which he succeeds
And the star falls short of the brilliance of the full moon

٥. كلٌّ لهُ فَضلٌ يَفوزُ بِهِ
وَالنَجمُ يقصرُ عن سَنا البَدرِ

6. Alas! Where are those who stayed behind when
He tilted with his club at Badr

٦. هَيهات أَينَ القاعِدونَ وَقَد
أَنحى بِكلكلِهِ عَلى بَدرِ

7. Alas! Where are the oath-breakers when
He fulfilled the rights of the conquest and victory

٧. هَيهات أَينَ الناكِثونَ وَقَد
وَفّى حقوقَ الفَتحِ وَالنَصر

8. Alas! Where are the unjust when
The sun was returned to him for afternoon prayer

٨. هَيهات أَينَ القاسِطونَ وَقَد
رُدَّت اِلَيهِ الشَمسُ لِلعَصر

9. Alas! Where are the foxes that yelped
About a fierce lion cub, my father al-Hussein

٩. هَيهات أَينَ ثَعالِبٌ ضبحت
عَن مُشبلٍ لَيثٍ أَبي حُرِّ

10. The denial of men did not harm him
And the Ghadir of Khumm revealed the matter

١٠. ما ضَرَّهُ جَحدُ الرِجالِ لهُ
وَغَديرُ خُمٍّ كاشِف الأَمرِ

11. We are content with him as Master and leave them
Competing over the youth of Sakhra

١١. نَرضى بِهِ مَولىً وَنَترُكُهُم
يَتَنافَسونَ عَلى فَتى صَخر

12. And man is with whom he loves so there is no
Separation between them for one with a screen

١٢. وَالمَرءُ مَع مَن قَد أَحَبَّ فَلا
فُرقانَ بَينَهُمُ لِذي حجر