
Pay no heed to the slander spread about you,

لاتع ما جاءك الوشاة به

1. Pay no heed to the slander spread about you,
For such tales are but hearsay from dubious sources.

١. لاتَعِ ما جاءَك الوُشاةُ بِهِ
فَإِنَّ هذي أَخبارُ آحادِ

2. Return to writing me, do not break your correspondence,
And show kindness to your servant, the son of 'Abbad.

٢. وَعُد إِلى الرَسمِ في مُواصَلَتي
وَاِعطِف عَلى عَبدِكَ اِبنِ عَبّادِ