
Beware of greed, for greed destroys

اياك والحرص ان الحرص مهلكة

1. Beware of greed, for greed destroys
Be content with what is destined and allotted

١. اِيّاكَ وَالحِرص اِنَّ الحِرصَ مهلكةٌ
وَاِقنَع بِما هُوَ مَرزوقٌ وَمَقسومُ

2. A man's greed does not increase his sustenance at all
Indeed, one greedy in either state is blameworthy

٢. ما زادَ حِرصُ اِمرىءٍ في رزقِهِ وَكَفى
اِنَّ الحَريصَ عَلى الحالَينِ مَذموم