
O rider who strode forth

يا ساريا قد نهضا

1. O rider who strode forth
Or galloped with haste

١. يا سارِياً قَد نَهضا
مُبتَدِراً أَو رَكضا

2. And passed as though he were
A lightning bolt when it flashes

٢. وَقَد مَضى كَأَنَّهُ ال
بَرقُ إِذا ما وَمَضا

3. Convey my greetings embarked
To my master, Al-Reza

٣. أَبلِغ سَلامي راكِباً
يَطوسَ مَولايَ الرِضا

4. Grandson of the Chosen Prophet
And son of the Content Trustee

٤. سَبطَ النَبِيِّ المُصطَفى
وَاِبنَ الوَصِيِّ المُرتَضى

5. He who erected great honor
And attained shining pride

٥. مَن شادَ عِزّاً أَقعَساً
وَحازَ فَخراً أَبيَضا

6. And say to him from a loyal one
Who sees allegiance obligatory

٦. وَقل لَهُ من مُخلِصٍ
يَرى الوِلا مُفتَرضا

7. In the chest yearning burns
Leaving my soul inflamed

٧. في الصَدرِ لَفحُ حُرقَة
تَترُكُ نَفسي حَرَضا

8. By hostile ones who abandoned
The heart of the loyalist diseased

٨. من ناصِبينَ غادَروا
قَلبَ المُوالي مُمرَضا

9. And left it despondent
Grieving, it was set ablaze

٩. وَخَلَّفوهُ واجِباً
مُكتَئِباً قَد أُرمِضا

10. I declared, turning from them
Though I was no turncoat

١٠. صَرَّحتُ عَنهُم مُعرِضاً
وَلم أَكُن مُعَرِّضا

11. I abandoned them, but if told
I have become aloof, I did not care

١١. نابَذتُهُم وَلَم أُبل
اِن قيلَ قد تَرفَّضا

12. Oh how good is my aloofness from those
Who shunned and hated you

١٢. يا حَبَّذا رَفضي لِمَن
نابَذَكُم وَأَبغَضا

13. If I could, I would visit him
Even over embers of coal

١٣. وَلَو قَدرتُ زرتُهُ
وَلَو عَلى جَمرِ الغَضا

14. But I am detained
By bonds of grievous events

١٤. لكِنَّني مُعتَقَل
بِقَيدِ خَطبٍ عَرَضا

15. I made my praise a substitute
For seeking him and compensation

١٥. جَعلتُ مَدحي بَدَلاً
من قَصدِهِ وَعِوَضا

16. A trust conveyed
To Al-Reza, so it may be approved

١٦. أَمانَةً مورَدَةً
عَلى الرِضا لِتُرتَضى

17. Ibn Abbad hoped through it
For intercession that will not fail

١٧. رامَ اِبنُ عَبّادٍ بِها
شَفاعَةً لن تُدحَضا