
I left my tongue to the merciful wind, stumbling

تركت لسافي الريح بانة عرعرا

1. I left my tongue to the merciful wind, stumbling
And I visited the tavern of pure drink, tottering

١. تَرَكتُ لسافي الريحِ بانةَ عَرعَرا
وَزرتُ لِصافي السراحِ حانةَ عكبَرا

2. And I said to a server who worships wine, pour it
Dazzling, for I have seen the era of Caesar

٢. وَقُلتُ لعلجٍ يَعبد الخمر زُفَّها
مُشَعشَعَةً قَد شاهَدت عَصرَ قَيصَرا

3. If he had poured it to me, and its light
Had scattered over existence, the night would have gained from it, perplexed

٣. فَناوَلَنيها لَو تَفَرَّقنورُها
عَلى الدَهر نالَ اللَيلُ منها تَحَيُّرا

4. And given me more affliction, roses, and narcissi
And brought me a flute, drums and blossoms

٤. وَأَوسِعني آساً وَورداً وَنَرجساً
وَأَحضَرَني ناياً وَطبلاً وَمزهرا

5. Thereupon I gave idleness its due
And deemed revealing the veil glorious and a matter of pride

٥. هنالِكَ أَعطَيتُ البطالَة حَقَّها
وَأَلفَيتُ هتكَ الستر مجداً وَمَفخَرا

6. As if I were youth running to the folly of youth
Entertaining a boy from Galanda adorned

٦. كَأَنّي الصَبا جَرياً إِلى حومَة الصِبا
أُناغي صَبِيّاً من جلندا مُزَنَّرا

7. I embraced him while the wind blew around us
I repeated kisses while fate drew near

٧. فَعانَقتُهُ وَالراحُ قَد عَقرت بِنا
فَكَرَّرتُ تَقبيلاً وَقد أَقبَل الكرى

8. Drowsiness barred me from meaning and led me
Until the dawn shone out, brightening

٨. وَصَدَّ عَن المَعنى النعاس وَصادَني
إِلى أَن تَصَدّى الصُبحُ يَلمَعُ مُسفِرا

9. And a north wind blew, gathering my scattered resolve
Blowing it away from me fluttering

٩. وَهَبَّت شَمالٌ نَظَّمَت شَملَ بُغيَتي
فَطارَت بِه عَنّي الشُمولُ تَطَيُّرا

10. That which I would have proclaimed, had it not been for modesty
For there is no good in the life of a youth who conceals

١٠. فَكانَ الَّذي لَولا الحَياءُ أَذَعتُهُ
وَلا خَير في عيشِ الفَتى ان تَسَتَّرا