
When you see a man in his time of need

إذا رأيت امرءا في حال عسرته

1. When you see a man in his time of need
Pure towards you, with no ill in his affection

١. إِذا رَأَيتَ امرءاً في حالِ عُسرَتِهِ
مُصافِياً لَكَ ما في ودِّه خَلَلُ

2. Do not wish for him to gain wealth
For with the changing of fortune he too will change

٢. فَلا تَمنَّ لَهُ أَن يَستَفيدَ غِنىً
فَاِنَّهُ بِاِنتِقالِ الحالِ يَنتَقِلُ