1. My chest has long been wounded by one my mind cannot forget
A gazelle with the face of a full moon that adorns a line of verse
١. قَد ظلَّ يَجرحُ صَدري
مَن لَيسَ يَعدوهُ فِكري
2. How I have yearned for union and how much I’m inclined to estrangement
My sorrows seduce my heart, so how much wrong can it bear
٢. ظَبيٌ بِصفحةِ بَدرٍ
يَزهو بِه سَطرُ شَعرِ
3. I thought in my sleep that patience would relieve its restlessness
I tended flowers of stars that had mercy on my illness and harm
٣. كَم ملتُ فيهِ لِوَصلٍ
وَكم يَميلُ لِهَجرِ
4. Having learned from an aged experience, I donned the garb of maturity
I would sacrifice myself for the sake of poetry, a strung pearl necklace
٤. يُغري هُمومي بِقَلبي
فَكَم يَجورُ وَيُغري
5. Were an unjust ruler to possess it, I would place it around my neck
Oh my youth, why did you pass in the evil of an era and time
٥. حَسِبتُ نومِيَ فيهِ
من قُلِّهِ بَعضَ صَبر
6. An era of delusion and vanity, and the injustice of decadent evil
I prepared a necklace of praise, strung together in a line of verse
٦. أَرعيتُ زُهر نجومٍ
رَحمنَ سَقمي وَضُرّي
7. Praise that glows with a sun, praise that glows with a moon
Muhammad is an ocean of pride, and Haydar a treasure trove
٧. من بَعدِ تجريبِ كهلٍ
لَبستُ حلَّةَ غِرِّ
8. Their progeny is the best branch, flourishing with the best harvest
They are the insight of my soul, and the wealth of my lifetime
٨. نَفسي فِدت نظمَ شِعرٍ
مُحَجَّلٍ نظمَ دُرٌ
9. They are the garden of my righteousness, and the path of my devotion
They are lions that bring salvation, without loss or harm
٩. لَو مُلِّكَتهُ ظَلومٌ
حَلتهُ في عِقدِ نَحر
10. Seas of knowledge and forbearance, fierce and tawny lions
My soul is protected by Ali, who repelled the stab of censure
١٠. شَبيبَتي لِمَ تَقضي
في شَرِّ دهرٍ وَعَصر
11. And singly led peace and war, nomads and settled folk
If you would but listen to my words, I would recount the battle of Badr
١١. دَهرِ غُرورٍ وَلَهوٍ
وَجَورِ خَورٍ وَغَرِّ
12. Yes, and I would tell of those who march, flee, and charge
And Khaybar - if I told you its hidden tales
١٢. لَمَمتُ عَقدَ مَديحٍ
يُزَفُّ في عِقدِ شِعر
13. You would have no doubt, concealed by a hand of secrecy
And remembering Hunain brings me joy that cannot be matched
١٣. مَديحٌ يُلِمُّ بِشَمسٍ
مَدحٌ يُلِمُّ بِبَدر
14. And killing Amr was a miracle - the killing of Amr
Good riddance to the progeny of blasphemy, polytheism, and denial
١٤. مَحمَّدٌ بَحرُ فَخرٍ
وَحيدرٌ كنزُ ذُخر
15. How much recited scripture dispels their twisted beliefs
It has the advantage of a bird that takes wing with goodness and provision
١٥. وَنسلُهُم خيرُ فرعٍ
يَزهو بِهِ خيرُ نَجرِ
16. Gabriel presented him, not making a public display
At Ghadir Khumm he spoke, for the witnessing of an earnest crowd
١٦. هُمُ بَصيرَةُ نَفسي
وَهُم ذَخيرَةُ دَهري
17. Casting the party of hypocrisy into depths of ignorance and scheming
Why did they deny him, despite all his merit and pride
١٧. وَهُم حَديقَةُ رُشدي
وَهُم طَريقَةُ بَرّي
18. Knowledge, wisdom, devotion, a lifetime of generosity and patience
His sword the best of swords - pure, made with pure iron
١٨. هُمُ ليوثٌ غَيوثٌ
مِن دونِ حبطٍ وَضَرِّ
19. Quenching them at all times with his endless knowledge
A hand that pours forth and grows, never made bitter by scarcity
١٩. بُحورُ عِلمٍ وَحِلمٍ
لُيوثُ بيضٍ وَسُمرِ
20. Why did they requite him with the treachery of deceit?
Why did they meet him with betrayal?
٢٠. نَفسي تَقي من عليٍّ
هَزَبرَ طَعنٍ وَهبرِ
21. Mustering against him an army that undertakes Amr's deeds
Did you hear the news of the army of Rabba of Khidar?
٢١. وَفَردَ سلمٍ وَحربٍ
وَنجمَ بدوٍ وَحَضرِ
22. Leave Utayra of India to the depths of scheming and repulsion
If he had not drawn near and paved the way for him in his early days
٢٢. لَو كُنتَ تُصغي لِقَولي
دَوَّنتُ غزوَةَ بَدر
23. They would not have taught him the means of every betrayal
My chest seethes against them, like a furnace atop embers
٢٣. نَعَم وَخَبَّرتُ عَمَّن
يَسري وَيَبري وَيفري
24. My Prophet of Loua is enough for me, my angry growling lion
My praise of them is like the spell of sorcery, undoing my spell and slaughter
٢٤. وَخيبرٌ لَو خَبَرتُم
عَنهُ كَمَكنونِ خبري
25. Take it, O Kufan, for I have presented a pearl from the sea
In a singular effort not afforded to any but my nature and mind
٢٥. لكُنتُمُ في يَقينٍ
لَم تُخفِهِ يَدُ ستر
26. It is complete, omitting a letter that circulates in every mention
My miraculous eloquence persists in fortifying my prose and verse
٢٦. وَلي بِذِكرِ حُنَينٍ
تَفَرُّحٌ لَيسَ يُكري
27. So it is not permitted for any free man to compare poetry to poetry
٢٧. وَعِندَ قَتلةِ عمروٍ
وَمعجزٌ قَتلُ عمرو
٢٨. وَمرحبٌ نَسلُ كفرٍ
وَنَسلُ شِركٍ وَنُكرِ
٢٩. كَم فيهِ مَتلوُّ نصٍّ
يَجلوهُ مُصحَفُ ذكر
٣٠. لَهُ مزيَّةُ طيرٍ
تَطيرُ من خَيرِ وَكرِ
٣١. قَد زَفَّهُ جِبرئيلٌ
وَلم يَكُن غَيرَ جَهرِ
٣٢. غَديرَ خُمٍّ تَكَلَّم
لِمَشهَدٍ جِدِّ حُرِّ
٣٣. تَقذِف بِعُصبَةِ نَصبٍ
في قعرِ جَهلٍ وَمَكرِ
٣٤. وَكَيفَ قَد جَحَدوهُ
مَع كلِّ فَضلٍ وَفَخر
٣٥. علمٍ وَحِلمٍ وَنسكٍ
وَبَذلِ عُمرٍ وَصَبر
٣٦. وَسَيفُهُ خَيرُ سَيف
طُهرٌ يَقومُ بِطُهر
٣٧. يَسقيهُمُ كُلَّ وَقت
من عِلمِهِ غَيرَ نَزر
٣٨. يَدٌ تَفيضُ وَتَنمي
فَلَم تَكدَّر بِجَزر
٣٩. فَلِم جَزوهُ بختلٍ
وَلِم لَقوهُ بِغَدرِ
٤٠. وَيَمَّموهُ بِجَيشٍ
يَجيشُ مِن فِعلِ عَمرو
٤١. وَهَل سَمِعتُم بِخُبرٍ
في جُند رَبَّةِ خِدر
٤٢. وَدَع عُتَيرَةَ هِندٍ
في قُعرِ مَكرٍ وَدَحر
٤٣. لَو لَم تَقرَّب وَتَمهَد
لَه بكفٍّ بِصُغرِ
٤٤. لكِنَّهُم لَقَّنوهُ
بِفِعلَةٍ كلَّ غَدرِ
٤٥. صَدري يَفورُ عَلَيهِم
كَمِرجَلٍ فَوقَ جَمر
٤٦. حَسبي نبيّ لُوَيٍّ
حَسبي غَضَنفَرُ فِهر
٤٧. مَدحي لَهُم زَورُ سِحرٍ
يَحُلُّ سَحري وَنَحري
٤٨. كوفيُّ خُذهُ فَطبعي
قَد زَفَّ دُرَّةَ بحرِ
٤٩. بِدفعَةٍ لَم تُيَسَّر
لِغَيرِ طَبعي وَفِكري
٥٠. تَمَّت عَلى حَذف حرف
يَدورُ في كُلِّ ذِكر
٥١. وَمُعجِزي مُستَمِرٌّ
في سَدِّ نظمي وَنَثري
٥٢. فَلَن يَحلَّ لِحُرٍّ
تَشبيهُ شِعرٍ بِشِعر