1. By Muhammad, his successor and his two sons,
And by the worshipper and the two explicators and the suppressor,
١. بمحمدٍ وَوَصِيِّهِ وَاِبنَيهِما
وَبِعابِدٍ وَبِباقِرَينِ وَكاظِمِ
2. Then the pleased one and Muhammad, then his son,
And the cautious commander and the arising one,
٢. ثُمَّ الرِضا وَمحمدٍ ثُمَّ اِبنِهِ
وَالعَسكَريِّ المُتَّقي وَالقائِمِ
3. I hope for salvation from all the stages,
Until I come to lasting bliss.
٣. أَرجو النَجاةَ من المَواقِفِ كُلِّها
حَتّى أَصيرَ إِلى نَعيمٍ دائِمِ