
I see my two years have been filled with wonders,

أرى سنتي قد ضمنت بعجائب

1. I see my two years have been filled with wonders,
and my Lord is sufficient for me against all misfortunes.

١. أَرى سنتي قَد ضُمِّنَت بِعَجائِبِ
وَرَبِّيَ يَكفيني جَميعَ النَوائِبِ

2. He wards off from me what I fear by His bounty,
and makes safe what they have made me fear as consequences.

٢. وَيَدفَعُ عَنّي ما أَخافُ بِمَنِّهِ
وَيُؤمِنُ ما قَد خَوَّفوا من عَواقِبِ

3. If He whose command set the stars in motion
is my helper, then why should I fear the cycles of the stars?

٣. إِذا كانَ مَن أَجرى الكَواكِبَ أَمرُهُ
مُعيني فَما أَخشى صُروفَ الكَواكِب

4. In You, O Lord of the heavens, is my trust,
so protect me from the evils of impending misfortunes.

٤. عَلَيكَ أَيا رَبَّ السَماءِ توكُّلي
فَحُطنيَ من شَر الخُطوبِ الحَوارِب

5. And how many years have I been warned of, yet they passed
with good fortune and prosperity and joy accompanying me.

٥. وَكم سنةٍ حُذِّرتُها فَتَزحزَحت
بِخَيرٍ وَاِقبالٍ وَجدٍّ مصاحبِ

6. And whoever intends evil against me, O Lord,
make their plots rebound upon them, foiled and defeated.

٦. وَمَن أَضمَرَ اللَهُمَّ سوءاً لِمُهجَتي
فَرُدَّ عَلَيهِ الكَيدَ أَخيبَ خائِبِ

7. For I do not intend evil against people, rather
I intend good for them, gentle from all sides.

٧. فَلَستُ أُريدُ السوءَ بِالناسِ اِنَّما
أُريدُ بِهِم خَيراً مريعَ الجَوانِبِ

8. And I defend their wealth and lives
with my dedication and effort, willingly granting favors.

٨. وَأَدفَعُ عَن أَموالِهِم وَنُفوسُهُم
بِجِدّي وَجهدي بِاذلا لِلمَواهِب

9. And whoever cannot accept this from me, then I
will be sufficient for him, for God is the greatest conqueror.

٩. وَمَن لَم يَسَعهُ ذاكَ مِنّي فَاِنَّني
سَأُكفاهُ اِنَّ اللَهَ أَغلَبُ غالِبِ