
The love of Ali son of Abi Talib

حب علي بن أبي طالب

1. The love of Ali son of Abi Talib
It is he who guides to Paradise

١. حُبُّ عَلِيِّ بنِ أَبي طالِبٍ
هو الَّذي يَهدي إِلى الجَنَّه

2. And fire is prayed on the haters
So for them without it no Paradise

٢. وَالنارُ تُصلى لِذَوي بُغضِهِ
فَما لَهُم من دونِها جُنَّه

3. And praise be to Allah that I
Am of those loyal to him and his grace

٣. وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ عَلى أَنَّني
مِمَّن والي وَله المِنَّه

4. If my preference for him is an innovation
Then may Allah's curse be upon tradition

٤. اِن كانَ تَفضيلي لَهُ بدعةً
فَلَعنَةُ اللَهِ عَلى السنَّه