1. Gray hair untimely appears,
An illness, though the cure be slow.
١. شَيبٌ لِغَيرِ أَوانِهِ يَعتادُ
داءٌ وَلكِن أَبطَأُ العُوّادُ
2. Before white hair, how many tears in your heart?
Alas, blackness cannot be removed by white.
٢. قَبل البَياضُ وَكَم بِقَلبِكَ عِبرَة
هَيهات أَن يَزَعَ البَياضَ سَوادُ
3. Had he who was killed remained as he was,
I would be satisfied, but he progresses.
٣. لَو دامَ مُعتَرِضُ القَتيلِ بِحالِهِ
لَرَضيتُهُ لكِنَّهُ يَزدادُ
4. Or if he was pleased to have youth with him,
I would be content, but his troops are cold.
٤. أَو كانَ يَرضى بِالشَبابِ مُرافِقاً
لَقَنعتُ لكِن جُندُهُ أَبرادُ
5. Or had not the loss of youth been a deficiency,
Enemies and enviers would not gloat.
٥. أَو لَم يَكُن فَقدُ الشَبابِ نَقيصَةً
لَم تَشمُت الأَعداءُ وَالحُسّادُ
6. Forty years of companionship did not make me gray,
How could it, when birth did not know it?
٦. ما شَيَّبَتني أَربَعونَ صَحبَتُها
أَنّى وَلَم يَعلُ بِها الميلادُ
7. Rather, other events made me gray,
Driving out the family of the Prophet Shaddad.
٧. بَل شَيَّبَتني حادِثاتٌ أَخرجَت
آلَ النَبِيِّ الأَبطَحِيِّ شِدادُ
8. Misfortunes clothe their women in mourning,
Their honor in grief forevermore.
٨. نَوَبٌ تُطَبِّقُ بِالحداد نِساءهُم
أَبَداً لَهُنَّ عَلى الكِرامِ حِدادُ
9. O my masters of Muhammad’s family,
You are my custom though custom has gone.
٩. يا سادَتي مِن أَهلِ بَيتِ مُحَمَّدٍ
أَنتُم عتادي يَومَ لَيسَ عتادُ
10. Each one has provision showing his burden,
While your provision on Judgment Day is generosity.
١٠. كُلٌّ لَهُ زادٌ يَدلُّ بِحملِهِ
وَولاكُم يَومَ القِيامَةِ زادُ
11. You are God’s lamp in the darkness of night,
If only the lost traveler knew.
١١. أَنتُم سراجُ اللَهِ في ظُلَمِ الدُجى
لَو كانَ يَدري القابِس المُرتادُ
12. You are the ships of salvation, raising
Degrees on the day witnesses are brought.
١٢. ها أَنتُمُ سُفُنُ النَجاةِ وَرافِعوا الد
دَرَجاتِ يَومَ تشاهَد الأَشهادُ
13. The Prophet was sent when no beacon of guidance remained,
And righteousness had been barred.
١٣. بُعِثَ النَبِيُّ وَلا مَنارَ عَلى الهدى
وَالرشدُ قَد ضُرِبَت لَهُ الأَسدادُ
14. He guided and fulfilled his duty, not thinking of transgression,
While unbelief, without his swords, was but skins.
١٤. فَهدى وَأَدّى لَيسَ بِفِكرُ في العِدى
وَالكفرُ دونَ جلادِهِ أَجلادُ
15. So his teachings blossomed on the tree of guidance,
While the harvest of misguidance was reaped.
١٥. فَزها عَلى شَجرِ الرَشادِ ثِمارُهُ
وَأَتى عَلى زَرعِ الضَلالِ حصادُ
16. Idols were brought down by him after their loftiness,
As if he were wind and they were pegs.
١٦. خُسِفَت بِهِ الأَصنامُ بَعد عُلُوِّها
فَكَأَنَّهُ ريحٌ وَهاتا عادُ
17. His vizier, his supporter, his helper,
A lion whose might makes thrones tremble.
١٧. وَوَزيرُهُ وَأَثيرُهُ وَنَصيرُهُ
أَسَدٌ تَزِلُّ لِبَأسِهِ الآسادُ
18. That is the son of Fatima whose resolved mind
Is white blades whose sheaths are not still.
١٨. ذاكَ اِبنُ فاطِمَة الَّذي عَزَماتُهُ
بيضٌ صَوارِمُ ما لَها أَغمادُ
19. He whose sword's edge is not sated with blood
Though bodies pour out their veins.
١٩. مَن سَيفُهُ حوَت وَلا يُروى وَاِن
وَرَدَ الدِماءَ حياضُها الأَجساد
20. He whose knowledge is never made common
Far be he from a sea that ebbs.
٢٠. مَن عِلمُهُ لم يُبتَذِل بَكأ بِهِ
حاشاهُ من بِحرٍ لَهُ امداد
21. He whose might cannot be deemed too great
To be matched with any peers.
٢١. مَن بَأسُهُ لا بَأسَ ان عَظَّمتَهُ
عَن أَن تُقاسَ بِقَدرِهِ الأَندادُ
22. The angels of heaven were amazed by his war
On the day of Badr when the steeds charged.
٢٢. عَجِبَت مَلائِكَةُ السَماءِ لِحَربِهِ
في يَومِ بَدرٍ وَالجِيادُ جِهادُ
23. When they saw him and fate obeyed him
Against those it sought to seize.
٢٣. اِذ شاهَدَتهُ وَالمَنونُ تطيعُهُ
فيمَن يَهمُّ بِخَطفِهِ وَيَكادُ
24. Did Gabriel relate that to Ahmad?
A chain of glory without chain links.
٢٤. أَفَحكاهُ عَنهُم جِبرئيلُ لأَحمدٍ
اِسنادُ مجدٍ لَيسَ فيهِ سِنادُ
25. He felled al-Walid in a stance that horrified al-Walid
By its terror and the crumbling of bones.
٢٥. صَرَعَ الوَليدَ بِمَوقِفٍ شابَ الوَلي
دُ لِهَولِهِ وَتَهاوَتِ الأَعضادُ
26. And he made Utbah taste punishment by the sword,
With it the illnesses were decided and multiplied.
٢٦. وَأَذاقَ عُتبَةَ بِالحُسامِ عُقوبَةً
حُسِمَت بِها الأَدواءُ وَهيَ تِلادُ
27. He attacked twenty who prided themselves on glory,
So they generously gave their lives and perished.
٢٧. وَعَدا عَلى عِشرينَ يَعتَرّونَ بِال
عُزّى فَجادوا بِالحَياةِ وَبادوا
28. From every bright star of Quraysh his sword
Rose shedding blood from the clouds' edges.
٢٨. من كُلِّ أَبلَجَ من قُرَيشٍ سيفُهُ
من فَوقِ أَكنافِ السَماءِ نجادُ
29. Sworn tribes nurtured their offspring for wars
As if for their wars they had borne them.
٢٩. أَحلافُ حَربٍ أَرضَعوا أَخلافَها
فَكَأَنَّهُم لِحُروبِهِم أَولاد
30. A people, when time aims its blow at their place,
Fall down, and death with ambushes says:
٣٠. قَوم اِذا رَمَقَ الزَمانُ مَكانَهُم
أَقعى وَقالَ المَوتُ وَالمِرصادُ
31. They saw the Commander of the Faithful and were certain
That even foxholes cannot protect against him.
٣١. وَرَأوا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَأَيقَنوا
أَنَّ الوهادَ تَطولها الأَطواد
32. The knight flees, and the tireless hero descends
While his garments are bodies pouring blood.
٣٢. يَفري الفَرِيَّ وَيَنزِلُ البَطلَ الكَمي
يَ وَحُلّتاهُ من الدِماءِ جِسادُ
33. In his killings was only a champion
As if his sword were threshing stalks.
٣٣. ما كانَ في قَتلاهُ الّا باسِلٌ
فَكَأَنَّما صَمصامُهُ نَقّادُ
34. The Prophet called you at Khaybar, O Ali,
And the people had refused to fight and turned away.
٣٤. لَكَ يا عَلِيُّ دَعا النَبِيُّ بِخَيبَرٍ
وَالقَومُ قَد كَذَّبوا القِتالَ وَعادوا
35. You took his flag with a hand accustomed
To habitual victories unceasing.
٣٥. فَأَخَذتَ رايَتَهُ بكفٍّ عُوِّدَت
عاداتِ نصرٍ لم تَزل تُعتادُ
36. You made true for them a war whose fires
Later subsided, and the polytheists became ashes.
٣٦. فَصَدقتَهُم حَرباً غَدت نيرانُها
ثُمَّ اِنثَنَت وَالمُشرِكونَ رمادُ
37. You made breaches in their fortress with your fierce forehead,
Like a pillar built by sitting.
٣٧. وَثَلَلتَ مَعقِلَهُم لحرِّ جَبينِهِ
كَم قائِمٍ أَزرى بِهِ الاِقعاد
38. You returned, your brow triumphant and victorious,
A guide for Muslims in guidance.
٣٨. وَرَجعتَ مَنصورَ الجَبينِ مُظَفَّراً
في المُسلِمينَ دَليلُكَ الاِرشاد
39. How many heads of misguidance you sought out
So their bodies rejected bearing them.
٣٩. كَم من رؤوسِ لِلضِّلالِ قَصَدتَها
فَتَبَرَّأت من حملها الأَجساد
40. And remember, by God’s life, Umar, when
You succored him when means failed.
٤٠. وَاِذكُر لعمرُ اللَهِ عمراً عِندَما
أَورَدتَهُ اِذ أَعوزَ الايراد
41. All were afraid, and no groups could stand him
While evil from him was source and return.
٤١. جَبنَ الجَميعُ وَلا جموعَ تَطيقُهُ
وَالشرُّ منهُ مبدأ وَمَعادُ
42. Until you rose against his body, saving him
Like tinder taking fire though having no flint.
٤٢. حَتّى اِنبَرَيتَ لجسمِهِ فَبَرَيتَهُ
كَزنادٍ الوى مالَهُ اصلادُ
43. You scattered the confederates with sharp blades.
Among them separation and happiness were limited.
٤٣. بَدَّدتَ شَملَ الكافرونَ بَصارِمٍ
في حَدِّهِ الاِشقاءُ وَالاِسعادُ
44. Had you sought to capture them, they would have despaired, but rather
Your way is for polytheism to exhaust itself.
٤٤. لَو رُمتَ أَسرَهُمُ لَهانَ وَاِنَّما
بِكَ أَن يَعُمَّ المُشرِكينَ نفادُ
45. You possessed them on the day of battle but pardoned them,
As if they were wealth and you were generous.
٤٥. مُلكتَهُم يَومَ الوَغى وَبَذَلتَهُم
وَكَأَنَّهُم مالٌ وَأَنتَ جَوادُ
46. A nobility pointed to by outstretched hands
And a pride in generosity loudly proclaimed.
٤٦. كَرم يشارُ اِلَيهِ بِالأَيدي الطوا
لِ وَمَفخر بِالمُكرَمات يَشاد
47. A generality and distinction in Hashim
Whose resting place is the highest tombs.
٤٧. وَعمومَةٌ وَخؤولَةٌ في هاشِمٍ
لهما بِأَعلى الفرقَدَينِ مهادُ
48. A worship, if divided among creation,
Would return worshippers, all being worshippers.
٤٨. وَعبادةٌ لو قَسِّمَت بَينَ الوَرى
عادَ العِبادُ وَكلُّهُم عُبّاد
49. An eloquence that attracted the Quran to its bosom,
No judge was ever brought against it.
٤٩. وَخطابَة جذب القرآنُ بِضبعِها
لَم يُحتَكَم قَسٌّ لَها وَاياد
50. A courage that when its bitterness continued
Antarah would not be pleased with it, nor Dhaddad.
٥٠. وَشجاعَةٌ لَمّا اِستَمَرَّ مَريرُها
لَم يُرضَ عَنتَرَةٌ وَلا شَدّاد
51. And he married Fatima, and she is a virtue
Radiant, not annihilated by time.
٥١. وَتَزَوَّجَ الزَهراءَ وَهيَ فَضيلَةٌ
غَرّاءُ لَيسَ تَبيدُها الآبادُ
52. He came with the two noble Hassan and Hussain, successful
For the two beauties, his star rising.
٥٢. قَد جاءَ بِالحَسَنينِ وَهو موفِقٌ
لِلحُسنَيَينِ وَنَجمُهُ صَعّادُ
53. Going to Islam, he protects his hands
Unless schemes or deceivers trouble him.
٥٣. غادٍ إِلى الاِسلامِ يَحفظُ أَيدَهُ
لَو لَم يُحاوِل كيدَهُ أَو غادُ
54. Camels marched toward his harm,
Driven by grudges and envy.
٥٤. قَد دَبَّت الطَلقاءُ نَحو ضِرارِهِ
تَقتادُها الأَذخالُ وَالأَحقادُ
55. After the path was opened and pacts broken
And promised time was breached.
٥٥. مِن بَعدِ أَن فُتِحَ الطَريقُ وَضَيِّعَ ال
عَهدُ الوَثيقُ وَأُخلِفَ الميعادُ
56. O Basra, confess that perceptions
Were lost with you, shot down by stubbornness.
٥٦. يا بَصرَةُ اِعتَرَفي بِأَنَّ بَصائِراً
فَقَدت لَدَيكَ رمى بِهِنَّ عناد
57. O Karbala, speak of our afflictions
And sorrows, if speaking may be repeated.
٥٧. يا كَربَلاءُ تَحَدَّثي بِبَلائِنا
وَبكربنا اِن الحَديثَ يعاد
58. A lion Ahmad grew, and his successor,
Mauled by a dog that Ziyad grew.
٥٨. أَسَدٌ نماهُ أَحمَدٌ وَوَصِيُّهُ
أَرداهُ كلبٌ قَد نَماهُ زِيادُ
59. He is not sated but by capturing his daughters,
His threats are terror and warnings.
٥٩. لا يَشتَفي الا بِسَبي بَناتِهِ
وَحُداتُها التَخويفُ وَالاِيعادُ
60. Religion weeps and angels complain,
The heavens darker, and years solid.
٦٠. وَالدينُ يَبكي وَالمَلائِكُ تَشتَكي
وَالجَوُّ أَكلَفُ وَالسِنونَ جَمادُ
61. No matter, God lies in ambush,
And filthy disgrace is driven to hell.
٦١. لا بَأسَ اِنَّ اللَهَ بِالمِرصادِ وَالر
رجسُ الزَنيمُ إِلى الجَحيمِ يُقادُ
62. O family of Hind, if I stumble in loving you
And see my grandfather stumble, censured,
٦٢. أَيا آلَ هِندٍ اِن عَثَرتُ بِحُبِّكُم
فَرَأَيتُ جَدّي عاثِراً يَنأَد
63. If I am not at war with all wars,
Then my fathers and forefathers are forgotten.
٦٣. اِن لَم أَكُن حَرباً لحرب كُلِّها
فَنَفانيَ الآباءُ وَالأَجدادُ
64. If I do not continue its curses, I have left
The religion of isolation and leaving the strayers.
٦٤. اِن لَم أُتابِع لَعنَها فَتَرَكتُ دي
نَ الاِعتِزالِ وَتَركُهُ الحادُ
65. If I do not prefer Ahmad and his successor,
Then I have destroyed a glory built by worshippers.
٦٥. اِن لَم أُفَضِّل أَحمَداً وَوَصِيَّهُ
فَهَدَمتُ مَجداً شادَهُ عَبّادُ
66. My masters, this has become my habit
In loving you, excellent accustomed.
٦٦. يا سادَتي قَد صارَ هذا عادَتي
في حُبِّكُم يا حَبَّذا المُعتادُ
67. I hope by it for gracious intercession with you
On a day when servants are herded to their return.
٦٧. أَرجو بِهِ حُسنَ الشَفاعَةِ عِندَكُم
في يَومِ يَنتَظِمُ العبادَ معادُ
68. How many Shia listen to the magic of my poems
As if their days are holidays.
٦٨. كَم شيعَةٍ تَصغي لِسِحرِ قَصائِدي
فَكَأَنَّما أَيّامُها أَعيادُ
69. And loyalists who listen while their hearts
Burn, and below them livers crumble.
٦٩. وَمناصبين تَسمَّعوا وَقلوبُهُم
حَرّى تَفَتَّتُ دونها الأَكبادُ
70. O you of Kufa, this is an unmatched
Patch on the cheek of life.
٧٠. يا أَيُّها الكوفِيُّ هذه غُرَّةٌ
في جَبهَةِ الدُنيا لَها اِفرادُ
71. It was composed praising my devoted ones,
To which opposites and peers submitted.
٧١. قَد أُنشِدَت مِن حَيّ عبادِيَّةً
خَضَعت لَها الأَضدادُ وَالأَندادُ
72. I compose praising, for it is the key to piety,
By which divine oneness and reciting are adorned.
٧٢. أَنشد وجوِّد فهيَ مِفتاحُ التُقى
يُزهى بِها التَوحيدُ وَالاِنشادُ
73. And if you are asked about its intention and place,
Then Kufa, Hira, or Baghdad.
٧٣. وَاِذا سُئِلتَ لِقصدِها وَمقرِّها
فَالحَيرُ أَو كوفان أَو بَغداد