
I complain to you of a time that rubbed me raw

أشكو إليك زمانا ظل يعركني

1. I complain to you of a time that rubbed me raw
It chafed my hide, yet who can exceed time?

١. أَشكو إِلَيكَ زَماناً ظلَّ يعركني
عَركَ الأَديم وَمن يعدي عَلى الزَمنِ

2. And a companion, whose company made me blissful -
for an age he gladdened me, not alone was I.

٢. وَصاحِباً كنتُ مَغبوطاً بِصُحبَتِهِ
دَهراً فَغادَرَني فَرداً بِلا سَكَنِ

3. A wind of good fortune caught him up and flew
with him to joy, while grief was left for me.

٣. هَبَّت لهُ ريح اِقبالٍ فَطارَ بِها
إِلى السُرورِ وَأَلجاني الى الحُزنِ

4. He turned his side to me and made me be
a mate of longing and the pangs of love-sick care.

٤. نَأى بِجانِبِهِ عَنّي وَصَيَّرَني
مَعَ الاِسى وَدَواعي الشَوقِ في قَرَنِ

5. He sold the cordial love I used to show him,
striving in secrecy and openly,

٥. وَباعَ صَفوَ ودادٍ كنت أَقصره
عَلَيهِ مُجتَهِداً في السِرِّ وَالعَلَن

6. held once so dear, sold cheap for nothing -
O you who saw esteem bartered for pelf!

٦. وَكانَ غالي بِهِ حيناً فَأَرخَصه
يا من رَأى صَفو ودٍ بيع بِالثَمَن

7. Like folded scrolls he seemed, yet was not one
recorded in the annals of old companions.

٧. كَأَنَّهُ كانَ مَطوِيّاً عَلى احنٍ
وَلم يَكُن من قَديم الدَهرِ أَنشَدَني

8. True noblemen, when they forget, recall
as friend one known in less prosperous days.

٨. اِن الكِرام اِذا ما أَسهَلوا ذَكَروا
مَن كانَ يَألَفَهُم بِالمَنزِلِ الخشنِ