1. No sect above the face of the earth is free from error,
Nor one that flees from being questioned by any scholar.
١. ما مِلَّةٌ فَوقَ وَجهِ الأَرضِ من مِلَلِ
لا َتَهيَّبُ عَن تَسالِ مُعتَزلي
2. A people, when they look, pray with their proofs,
While fools rush against facts and reason.
٢. قَومٌ إِذا ناظَروا صالوا بِحجتهم
صَولَ البُزاةِ عَلى الدَرّاجِ وَالحَجَلِ
3. Their merit, by God, is knowledge and wisdom,
And wit to fathom truth and controversy.
٣. لِلَّهِ دَرُّهُمُ عِلماً وَمَعرِفَةً
وَفِطنَةً لِعُلوم الحَقِّ وَالجَدَلِ