1. The virgins' pavilions were erected,
And beauty swore it would not leave them.
١. بَدَت عَذارى مُدَّت سَرادِقُها
وَأَقسم الحُسنُ لا يُفارِقُها
2. Silent maids whose throats were choked,
They cannot speak to us though their collars speak.
٢. كَواعِبٌ أُخرِسَت دَمالِجُها
عنّا وَقد أُنطِقَت مَناطِقُها
3. Shy does and gazelles belonging to them,
With their bodies the bangles on their ankles speak.
٣. خَراعِبٌ حَقَّها وَصائِفُها
تَشي بِأَبدانِها قَراطِقُها
4. She refused any perfume to scent her
Except what her necklace that adorns her breasts emits.
٤. صينَت عَن العُطرِ أَن يُطَيِّبَها
إِلّا الَّذي حُمِّلَت مَخانِقُها
5. Is it a garden that has revealed its beauty,
And its branches embrace its dripping dew?
٥. أَم رَوضَةٌ أُبرِزَت مَحاسِنُها
وَما يَني قَطرُها يُعانِقُها
6. The rose has innovatively bloomed on its branch,
And anemones have split from its ground.
٦. فَأَورَدَ الوَردَ غُصنُها بدعاً
وَشُقَّ عَن أَرضِها شقائِقُها
7. Its jewelry has tempted the onlookers,
And its gardens have captivated their eyes.
٧. وَأَعشَت الناظِرينَ حِليَتُها
وَشاقَ أَحداقَهُم حَدائِقُها
8. Or is it a full moon that has risen with its wonders,
A garden adorned with its paths?
٨. أَم أَشرَقَت فِقرَةٌ بَدائِعُها
حَديقَةٌ زانَها طَرائِقُها
9. Its craftsman has perfectly created it,
And its tender has gracefully adorned it.
٩. أَتى بِها بِالكَمال ناسِجُها
وَزانَها بِالجَمالِ ناسِقُها
10. By God, Abu Hassan, the most high swore,
And the most high had pledged to him before.
١٠. لِلَّهِ حَلف العلى أَبو حسنٍ
وَقَد جَرت لِلعلى سَوابِقُها
11. He won the bet swiftly,
And what stressed him was relieved.
١١. فَحازَ خَصلَ الرِهانِ عَن كَثَبٍ
وَفُرِّجَت عِندَهُ مَضايِقُها
12. By God, these words bear
Meanings that their subtleties exhaust.
١٢. لِلَّهِ تِلكَ الأَلفاظُ حامِلَة
غُرَّ مَعانٍ تُعيي دَقائِقُها
13. Their eloquence almost makes one doubt
That they conform to the composition of a surah.
١٣. يَكادُ اِعجازُها يُشَكِّكُها
في سوَرٍ أَنَّها تُوافِقُها
14. I wish safety that predicts salvation from
The evils of an affliction feared by its knocker.
١٤. أُهدي سَلاماً حكى السَلامَةَ من
أَسقامِ سوءٍ يُخافُ طارِقُها
15. It is as if it is our house, though its describer has not seen it,
Its caller to passion, and its confidante.
١٥. كَأَنَّهُ دارُنا وَلم يَرَها
ناعِبُها لِلنَوى وَناعِقُها
16. It is as if it is the absence of the sentinel, and I
Stole a look, pilfering its glance.
١٦. كَأَنَّها غَفلةُ الرَقيبِ وَقد
مُكِّنتُ من نَظرَةٍ أُسارِقُها
17. I wished from it what days, if they endured,
Would not accomplish its burden.
١٧. أَهديتُ مِنهُ ما لَو تَحَمَّلَهُ ال
أَيّامُ لَم يُستقلّ عاتِقُها
18. With it the dawns of youth ramble,
Endlessly, not tiring their rider.
١٨. تَحدو بِهِ صَبوَةً ركائِبُها
راتكةً لا يملُّ سائِقُها
19. Take them as their pacts have been harvested,
And their towering aspirations attached to bliss.
١٩. خُذها وَقد أُحصِدَت وَثائِقُها
وَأُلحِقَت بِالسُهى شَواهِقُها
20. I adjure you by God, when you recite it,
And directly, without guile its confidant.
٢٠. ناشَدتُك اللَهَ حينَ تَنشدها
وَخلَّةً لا يَخيلُ صادِقُها
21. That you do not deliberately raise its flag,
To fill the lowly with its swelling.
٢١. أَن لا تَعَمَّدتَ رَفع رايَتَها
لِيَملَأ الخافِقَينِ خافِقُها
22. Yes, live in bliss as long as the sun of any day rises
And its ascending rays scatter.
٢٢. نعم وَعش في النَعيم ما طَلَعت
شَمسُ نَهارٍ وَذَرَّ شارِقُها