
I bid farewell to your sublime presence,

أودع حضرتك العاليه

1. I bid farewell to your sublime presence,
My soul, not my tears, laments.

١. أُوَدِّعُ حضرَتَكَ العالِيَه
وَنَفسِيَ لا دَمعَتي هامِيَه

2. And who would bid farewell to this excellence -
May health follow him after you.

٢. وَمَن ذا يُوَدِّعُ هذا الجنابِ
فَتَهنَؤُهُ بَعده العافِيَه

3. An excellence under which I lived in bliss,
Its fruits of nobility ever close.

٣. جنابٌ رَعَيتُ بِهِ جنَّةً
قُطوفُ مكارِمِها دانِيَه

4. I saw through it bounties from on high,
And learned what lofty aspirations are.

٤. رَأَيتُ بِهِ فائِضات العلى
وَعُلِّمتُ ما الهِمَمُ العالِيَه

5. It's as though Baghdad, in her longing for you
And flowing tears, bids adieu.

٥. كَأَنِّيَ بَغدادُ في شَوقِها
إِلَيكَ وَأَدمُعِها الجارِيَه

6. You're her hope for attaining her dreams,
And my dreams as well.

٦. وَأَنتَ المرجّى لِاِظفارِها
بِآمالِها وَبِآماليه

7. If you permit me to depart,
Then I'll go amidst the procession.

٧. وَلَو كنتَ تَأذنُ لي في المَسيرِ
اِذاً سرتُ في جُملَة الحاشِيَه

8. I'll outpace your steed the length of the road,
Marching, sword in hand.

٨. سَبَقتُ جوادَكَ مَدَّ الطَريقِ
وَسِرتُ وَفي يَديَ الغاشِيَه