1. O gazelle, whose glance is like embroidery
Indeed, the beauty of the tryst is in its fulfillment
١. يا غَزالاً عِذارُهُ كَالطِرازِ
اِنَّ حُسنَ الميعادِ بِالاِنجازِ
2. My jealousy has peaked, so tremble for union one day
Like branches that shake with tremors
٢. غِظ عَذولي وَاِهتزّ لِلوَصلِ يَوماً
كَغصونٍ قَد غِظتَها بِاِهتِزازِ
3. I'm used to humiliation since you've been away from me
So have mercy on me with honor
٣. قَد أَلَفتُ الاِذلال مُذ حُلتَ عَنّي
فَتَعَطَّف عَلَيَّ بِالاِعزاز
4. With a turning to passion and a turning away
And a deviation from sanity and leaning
٤. بِاِنعِطافٍ إِلى الهَوى وَاِنصِرافٍ
وَاِنحِرافٍ عَن القِلى وَاِنحِياز
5. Indeed your eyes have prayed in my heart
With two sharp and polished swords
٥. اِنَّ عَينَيكَ صالَتا في فُؤادي
بِحُسامَينِ صارِمٍ وَجُراز
6. So my tears are joined with my blood
And my caution is adorned with reserve
٦. فَدُموعي مَوصولَة بِدِمائي
وَحَذاري موشَّح بِاِحتِراز
7. Whenever I settle in you, I flee from my fear
Like a sparrow's retreat before a falcon
٧. كُلَّما قُلتُ قَرَّ فيكَ قَراري
بِتُّ من خيفَتي عَلى اِنفازِ
8. If only I could, after so much distance
See a chance for victory beckoning my grasp
٨. وَاِنخِزالي اِذا رَأَيتُ وشاتي
كَاِنخِزالِ العُصفورِ عِندَ البازِ
9. But oh if only the kingdom of the open spaces
Would return to my masters, the suns of Hijaz
٩. لَيتَني قَد رَأَيتُ مِن بَعدِ بُعدٍ
فُرصَةَ النَصرِ آذَنَت بِاِنتِهازِ
10. The Prophet's family, home of sublimity
Not the abode of villainy, people of lowly traits
١٠. لا وَلكِن يا لَيتَ مُلكَ البَرايا
عادَ في سادَتي شُموسِ الحجاز
11. And soon we will see the impossible as possible
With swords that strike without restraint
١١. أَهلِ بَيتِ النَبِيِّ بَيتِ المَعالي
دونَ بَيتِ الأَرجاسِ أَهلِ المَخازي
12. And justice, radiant and clear, will return to them
And the Judge, Best of Judges, will repay the unjust
١٢. وَقَريباً نَرى المجالَ بَعيداً
بِسِيوفٍ تَمضي بِغَيرِ جَوازِ
13. O Ali, who has transcended peers
And towered above any match or parallel
١٣. وَيَعودُ الحَقُّ المُبينُ اِلَيهِم
وَيُجازي الظلومَ خيرُ مُجازي
14. You are the lord of struggle, asceticism, and knowledge
And kinship, in the station of great protection
١٤. يا عَلِيُّ الَّذي عَلا عَن مُحاذٍ
وَسَما عَن مُقارنٍ وَمُوازي
15. Champion of the Cloak and Retribution, father of knights
Clay of the Champion of Heroes on the day of trial
١٥. أَنتَ رَبُّ الجهادِ وَالزُهدِ وَالعِل
مِ وَقُربىً في مَوضِعِ الأَحرازِ
16. Holder of the Basin and the Banner, Banner of Praise
Executioner of necks and life-taker of warriors
١٦. صاحبِ الطَيرِ وَالكَساءِ أَبي السِب
طَينِ ليثِ الأَبطالِ يوم البِراز
17. How many vertebrae split by The Splitter of Vertebrae
You made their people surrender to condolences
١٧. مالِكِ الحَوضِ وَاللِواءِ لِواءِ ال
حَمدِ حتفِ الرِقابِ وَالأَجوازِ
18. You rendered helpless at the start of the clash
Every opponent, the epitome of miracles
١٨. كَم فِقارٍ بِذي الفقارِ تَعَمَّد
تَ فَأَسلَمتَ أَهلَهُ لِلتَعازي
19. You led at Badr while some people
Don't even go out with a toothpick
١٩. أَنتَ أَعجَزتَ في غداة التَلاقي
كُلَّ خَصمٍ نِهايَةَ الاِعجازِ
20. And for those battles, their matter is momentous
So we've curtailed, for brevity's sake
٢٠. أَنتَ بادَرتَ يَومَ بَدرٍ وَبَعضُ ال
قَومِ لا يُخرَجون بِالمِهمازِ
21. You, husband of the splendid Zahra, the best of women
When it comes to distinction and precedence
٢١. وَلَتِلكَ الحُروبِ شَأنٌ عَظيم
فَتَرَكنا الاِكثارَ لِلايجازِ
22. You, on the Day of Ghadeer, foremost in loyalty
When you left them behind, confounded
٢٢. أَنتَ زوجُ الزَهراءِ حورِيَّةِ الاِن
سِ وَخَيرِ النِساءِ عِندَ اِمتِيازِ
23. They were certainly your neighbors, but you were among them
Like a falcon among starlings, a falcon among starlings
٢٣. أَنتَ يَومَ الغَديرِ صَدرُ المَوالي
حينَ خَلَّفتَهُم معَ الأَعجازِ
24. I ransom your sandal's dust with my soul
Without hesitation or bargaining
٢٤. قضد لَعَمري جاراكَ قَومٌ وَلكِن
كنتَ فيهِم كَالبازِ في الخازِ باز
25. I make war on the House of War against you
God's curse, how the invader has armed himself!
٢٥. أَنا أَفدي تُرابَ نَعلَيكَ بِالرو
حِ وَبِالنَفسِ دونَ بَذلِ الرِكازِ
26. I fought the hypocrites about you
With a tongue like a hacking, hacking sword
٢٦. أَنا حَربٌ لآلِ حَربٍ عَلَيهِم
لَعنَةُ اللَهِ ما تَجَهَّزَ غازي
27. And showed them that the truth is in you
When they equated truth with metaphor
٢٧. أَنا مَن كافح النواصبَ عَنكُم
بِلِسانٍ كَالصارِمِ الهَزهازِ
28. My masters, my masters, I've come brown-nosed
Take it as the ramblings of a dotard
٢٨. وَأَراهُم أَنَّ الحَقيقَةَ فيكُم
حينَ قاسَوا حَقيقَةً بِمَجاز
29. A praise, a gift from God in you
Leaves the poets distraught and confused
٢٩. سادَتي سادَتي أَتَيتُ بِخَودٍ
حَسِبوها في حَيِّزِ الاِعوازِ
30. An adornment for the humble in the pure lineage
Fashioned in fine embroidery
٣٠. مِدحَةٌ مِنحَةٌ من اللَهِ فيكُم
تَتركُ الشاعرينَ في هَوّازِ
31. It walks with pride in Isfahan but
Its cover has become a splendid style
٣١. حُلَّة لِلفُخارِ في العَترةِ الأَط
هارِ تمَّت مَنسوجةً في طِرازِ
32. With Ibn Abbad it persisted and came
A treasure of knowledge, from the noblest treasures
٣٢. هيَ تَمشي بِأَصبَهانَ وَلكِن
سَتَروها قَد أَصبَحَت بِطراز
33. Human: Thank you for the translation.
٣٣. بِاِبنِ عَبّادٍ اِستَمَرَّت فَجاءَت
حِرزَ عِلمٍ من أَكرمِ الأَحرازِ