
If we surrendered all knowledge to you

إذا نحن سلمنا لك العلم كله

1. If we surrendered all knowledge to you
Then leave us be with these books, we understand their secrets

١. إذا نَحنُ سَلَّمنا لَكَ العلمَ كلَّهُ
فَدَعنا وَهذي الكُتب نُحسِن صُدورَها

2. For they would not accept our coming
With pieces, if you were to compose its embers

٢. فَاِنَّهُم لا يَرتَضونَ مَجيئِنا
بِجَزعٍ اِذا نَظَّمتَ أَنتَ شذورَها