
O King who rules all the land

يا أيها الملك الذي كل الورى

1. O King who rules all the land
People are divided between hope and caution towards you

١. يا أَيَّها المُلكُ الَّذي كُلِّ الوَرى
قِسمانُ بَينَ رَجائِهِ وَحذارِهِ

2. Some have had their wishes fulfilled by your arrow
While others have seen their cups emptied by its rejection

٢. فَمناح قَد فازَ سَهمُ طلابِه
وَمداهن قَد جالَ قَدحُ بوارِهِ

3. And saying things sprouting from its news
What would befall it if he decides to care for my land

٣. هذي بُخارى تَشتَكي أَلَمَ الصَدى
وَتَقولُ قَولاً نُبتُ في اخبارِهِ

4. So I become part of his country and homes

٤. ماذا عَلَيهِ لَو يَهُمُّ بِعرصتي
فَأَكونُ بَعضَ بِلادِهِ وَدِيارِهِ