1. A lion, but the dogs barked at him with howling,
They did not know their own misguidance,
١. أَسدٌ وَلكِنَّ الكِلا
بَ تَعاوَرَتهُ بِالنِباحِ
2. The superiority of roaring over screaming,
And he called for withdrawal, when
٢. لَم يَعرِفوا لِضَلالِهِم
فَضلَ الزَئيرِ عَلى الصِياحِ
3. The edge of spears did not bite him,
So Abu Musa and Amr went
٣. وَدَعا إِلى التَحيمِ لَم
ما عَضَّهُ حَدُّ الرِماح
4. Bringing constant harm.
Two gates were opened to
٤. فَمَضى أَبو موسى وَعَم
روٌ جالِبا الشَر البراحِ
5. Evil that remains open.
They confirmed the order of the impudent one, increasing the words of the killer,
٥. بابانِ قَد فُتِحا إِلى
شَرٍّ يَدوم عَلى اِنفِتاحِ
6. Who stretched over the soul of Al-Husayn and his family the entirety of injustice.
They slaughtered them, killed them,
٦. هُم أَكَّدوا أَمر الدَعِ
يِّ يَزيد مَلفوظِ السفاحِ
7. Slaughtering them like sacrifices.
Oh tears, flow for the tragedy, then flow for the tragedy,
٧. فَسَطا عَلى روح الحُسَي
نِ وَأَهلِهِ جَمَّ الجماحِ
8. For the people of flow on the prayers and the people of flow on success.
Yazid protects his women
٨. صَرَعوهُمُ قَتَلوهُمُ
نَحَروهُمُ نَحرَ الأَضاحي
9. Among mattresses and veils.
While the daughters of Ahmad were exposed
٩. يا دَمعُ حَيَّ عَلى اِنسِفا
كٍ ثُمَّ حَيَّ عَلى اِنسِفاحِ
10. To a sanctuary being violated.
If only the wailings did not keep silent
١٠. في أَهلِ حيَّ على الصلا
ةِ وَأَهلِ حَيَّ عَلى الفَلاحِ
11. From crying and screaming,
Oh my masters, my love is for you
١١. يَحمي يَزيدُ نِساءَهُ
بَينَ النَضائِدِ وَالوِشاحِ
12. And it is calling for your praise,
And with the mention of your superiority my morning begins
١٢. وَبناتُ أَحمَد قَد كُشِف
نَ عَلى حَريمٍ مُستَباح
13. And every day I excel.
Adhere to Ibn 'Abbad and sincerity to you
١٣. لَيتَ النَوائِحَ ما سَكَت
نَ عَن النِياحَةِ وَالصِياح
14. Is most evident without slander.
١٤. يا ساداتي لَكُمُ ودا
دي وَهو داعِيَة اِمتِداحي
١٥. وَبِذكرِ فَضلِكُمُ اِغتِبا
قي كلَّ يَومٍ وَاِصطِباحي
١٦. لزمَ اِبن عبادٍ وَلا
ءكُمُ الصَريحَ بِلا براح