1. Better than a fragrant piece of wood, and than one who plays the strings
And than a young girl, slender and lithe, who shoots her glances
١. أَحسَنُ من عودٍ وَمن ضارِبِ
وَمن فَتاةٍ طِفلَةٍ كاعبِ
2. Like the perfect shape of a boy molded of silver
With eyebrows joined together
٢. قَدُّ غُلامٍ صيغَ من فضةٍ
مُتَّصِل الحاجِبِ بِالحاجِبِ
3. He let loose over the community from his eyes
The sword of Ali ibn Abi Talib
٣. سلَّ عَلى الأُمة من طَرفِهِ
سَيفَ علي بن أَبي طالبِ