
A wilderness unstamped by hoof or sandal

وتيهاء لم تطمث بخف وحافر

1. A wilderness unstamped by hoof or sandal
Where stars know not the windows of their setting

١. وَتيهاء لَم تَطمَث بِخفٍّ وَحافِرٍ
وَلم يَدرِ فيها النَجمُ كَيفَ يَغورُ

2. With landmarks only that there are no landmarks
And tracks so maze-like they befool the wise.

٢. معالِمُها أَن لا معالمَ بَينَها
وَآياتُها ان المَسيرَ غرورُ

3. Were the rain asked to find her he would fail,
Though the earth should fill with days of downpour.

٣. وَلَو قيلَ لِلغَيثِ اسقِها ما اِهتَدى لَها
وَلو ظَلَّ مِلءُ الأَرضِ وَهو جزورُ

4. I ventured there when darkness mantled night
As if I were the secret and night, confidant.

٤. تجَشَّمتُها وَاللَيلُ وَحفٌ جناحُهُ
كَأَنِّيَ سِر وَالظَلام ضَميرُ