
I will prevail, and the sky and He who built it

سأغلب والسماء ومن بناها

1. I will prevail, and the sky and He who built it
Over the intruding cat and he who stroked it

١. سأغلِبُ والسماءِ ومَنْ بناها
قَطاةَ مُزاحِمٍ ومَنِ انتحاها

2. The intruding cat and Abi Al-Muthanna
Over the firm, erect Houziyya

٢. قَطاة مُزاحمٍ وأبي المُثَنَّى
على حُوزِيَّةٍ صُلْبٍ شَواها

3. It became like a worthless drop falling
Before the rumbling, vocal thunder that dispelled it

٣. غدتْ كالقَطْرَةِ السُّفْواء تَهْوِي
أمام مُجَلْجِلٍ زَجِلٍ نَفاها

4. It crouched like a skink, uncaring
Whether it was made distinct or something else

٤. تَكَفَّأ كالجُمانَةِ لا تُبالي
أبالموماةِ أضحْ أَم سِواها

5. From it grew the old woman, so it shook
And its shoulder blade withered for slaughter

٥. نبتْ منها العَجيزةُ فاحزألَّتْ
ونَبَّسَ للتقتُّل مَنْكِباها

6. As if its ankles were arrowheads
Dressed by Ar-Raziqqiya, He who created it

٦. كأنَّ كعوبها أطرافُ نَبْلٍ
كساها الرَّازقيَّةَ مَنْ بَراها