1. You never excelled, nor were you first,
And were shielded between two ignorant men.
١. أَنابغَ لَمْ تَنْبَغْ ولَمْ تَكُ أَوّلا
وكُنْتَ صُنيّاً بَيْنَ صُدَّيْنِ مَجْهَلا
2. An-Nabighah, if you excel in your vileness, you will not find
Except amid the locks of Ja'dah's disheveled hair.
٢. أَنابغَ إنْ تَنْبَغْ بلُؤْمِكَ لا تَجِدْ
لِلُؤْمِكَ إِلاّ وَسْطَ جَعْدَةَ مَجْعَلا
3. You insulted me with an illness like your mother's,
And which steed isn't called spirited?
٣. أعَيَّرْتَني داءً بأمّك مِثْلُهُ
وأيُّ جَوادٍ لا يُقالُ لَهُ هلا
4. I would not have mentioned the heel of Hazir
Had I cast aspersions on my whole tribe.
٤. ومَا كُنتُ لو قاذفتُ جُلَّ عَشيرتي
لأذْكُرَ قَعْبَي حازِرٍ قَدْ تَثَمَّلا
5. News came to me that a tribe
In Shauran saddle well-bred horses,
٥. أَتانِي مِنَ الأنْباءِ أنّ عَشيرَةً
بشَورانَ يَزْجُونَ المطيَّ المُنَعَّلا
6. Their delegates come and go with a letter
To take from me the evil price of protection.
٦. يَرُوحُ ويَغْدُو وَفْدُهُمْ بصحِيفَةٍ
لِيَسْتَجْلِدُوا لي ساءَ ذلك مَعْمَلا
7. Without any crime except that I said about their uncle
He lives while his people are plunged in misery,
٧. على غَيْرِ جُرْمٍ غيرَ أنْ قُلْتُ عمّهم
يَعِيشُ أبوهم في ذُراهُ مغفَّلا
8. And a blind man brought him in the Hijaz and inspired them,
Though he was on the outskirts of mountains so he slipped down.
٨. وأعْمى أتاهُ بالحجازِ نَثاهُمُ
وكانَ بأطرافِ الجِبالِ فأسْهَلا
9. His companions carried him
To the abode of another tribe which was more excellent and former.
٩. فَجاءَ به أَصْحابُهُ يحملُونَهُ
إلى خَيْرِ حيٍّ آخَرينَ وأَوَّلا
10. When their warriors turn away from their enclosures
They leave exposed to raids a protected settlement,
١٠. إذا صَدَرَتْ وُرَّادُهم عَنْ حِياضِهِمْ
تُغادِرُ نَهْباً للزكاةِ مُعقَّلا
11. Taking bracelets as spoils to glory and elevation.
And by my honor if you do the like I shall do it too
١١. تساوِرُ سَوَّاراً إلى المَجْدِ والعُلى
وفي ذِمّتي لَئِنْ فَعَلْتَ لَيفْعَلا
12. With a glory, which if the despicable man seeks,
He will fall into an abyss and be twisted.
١٢. بمَجْدٍ إذا المرءُ اللّئيمُ أرادَهُ
هَوى دُونَهُ في مَهْبَلٍ ثم عَضَّلا
13. Are you forbidden from satire
While in other matters the nobler man is distinguished?
١٣. وَهَلْ أَنْتَ إنْ كان الهِجاءُ مُحَرَّماً
وفي غيرِهِ فَضْلٌ لمَنْ كان أَفْضَلا
14. We have a bow below the sky and its origin
Standing erect forever will not be shaken.
١٤. لَنا تامكٌ دون السَّماءِ وأَصْلُهُ
مُقِيمٌ طوالَ الدَّهْرِ لَنْ يتحَلْحَلا
15. And I knew no glory among people,
Except our glory which was first.
١٥. وما كانَ مَجْدٌ في أُناسٍ عَلِمْتُهُ
مِنَ النَّاسِ إلاّ مَجْدُنا كان أَوَّلا
16. So had you, when contending with me, contended with one doomed to die,
He would have gone the way of a blotched nose or bent cripple.
١٦. فَلَوْ كُنْتَ إذْ جارَيْتَ جارَيْتَ فانياً
جَرى وَهْوَ قَحْمٌ أَو ثَنِيّاً مُعَيِّلا