
To quench thirst with a waterskin has never

لتسقي زغبا بالتنوفة لم يكن

1. To quench thirst with a waterskin has never
Been against their Master, it is intimate to them

١. لتسقي زُغْباً بالتَّنوفةِ لَمْ يكن
خِلافَ مُوَلاَّها لهنّ حميمُ

2. You see them in the barren land, and whoever calls
His home their first stop, he is kind

٢. تَرائكَ بالأرضِ الفَلاة ومن يَدَعْ
بمنزلها الأولادَ فهو مُلِيمُ

3. When the wind meets them, it knocks down a friend
And they coo with passion like turtle doves

٣. إذا استقبلْتها الريحُ طَمَّتْ رفيقةً
وهنَّ بمهْوىً كالكُراتِ جُثُومُ

4. They chatter to dispel the dread of the journey
With their ancient tune, as if lamenting

٤. يُراطِنَّ وَقْصاءَ القَفا وَحْشَةَ الشَّوى
بدعوى القَطا لَحْنٌ لهنّ قديمُ

5. So they slept with blinking eyes after
Drinking their fill, slumbering silently

٥. فبِتْنَ قريراتِ العيونِ وقد جرى
عليهنّ شِرْبٌ فاستَقيْنَ مُنِيمُ

6. The pouring of a youth's waterskin on which they
Greedily drank to quench the chicks' thirst again

٦. صَبِيبُ سِقاءٍ نِيطَ قد بَرَكَتْ به
مُعاوِدةٌ سَقْيَ الفِراخِ رَؤومُ