1. We warriors, while our steed its youth still keeps
Until, supported by his staff, decrepit creeps,
١. نحن الأَخايِلُ ما يزالُ غُلامُنا
حتّى يَدِبَّ على العصا مَذْكُورا
2. Will mourn when missing hands that held the lance,
And friends will know us by our fluent speech.
٢. تبكي الرِّماح إذا فَقَدْنَ أكفَّنا
جَزَعاً وتَعْلَمُنا الرّفاقُ بُحُورا
3. The sword knows we are brethren true and tried
When clashing on bare bones its edge is plied,
٣. والسيفُ يَعْلَمُ أنّنا إخْوانُهُ
حَرّان إذْ يَلْقى العِظامَ بَتُورا
4. And we're more cherished in your ladies' hearts
Than you, when earliest breaks the wail at dawn.
٤. وَلَنَحْنُ أَوْثَقُ في صُدُورِ نِسائِكُمْ
مِنْكُمْ إذا بَكَرَ الصُّراخُ بُكُورا