1. God rewarded with the finest recompense
A man of Oqail, who excelled without pretense
١. جَزَى اللّهُ خَيْراً والجزاءُ بِكفِّهِ
فتىً من عُقَيلٍ سادَ غَيْرَ مُكَلَّفِ
2. To him, capturing the world was inconsequential
Yet he persevered in his every diligence
٢. فتىً كَانتِ الدُّنْيا تَهُونُ بأَسْرِها
عَلَيْهِ ولا يَنْفَكُّ جَمَّ التَّصَرُّفِ
3. He easily attained the highest goals
When even the most determined would fail and lose their confidence
٣. يَنالُ عَلِيّاتِ الأُمُورِ بهُوْنَةٍ
إذا هيَ أَعْيَتْ كُلَّ خِرْقٍ مُشَرَّفِ
4. He is pure (noble) - rather the noblest souls resemble him
Like a draft of wine from Beisan, well-fermented and intense
٤. هُوَ الذَّوْبُ بَلْ أُرْيُ الخلايا شَبِيهُهُ
بِدِرْياقَةٍ مِنْ خَمْرِ بَيْسانَ قَرْقَفِ
5. Oh my remorse! In life, neither prosperity nor joy remain
Now you lie in dusty ruin and pestilence
٥. فَيا تَوْبُ ما في العَيْشِ خَيْرٌ وَلا نَدىً
يُعَدُّ وَقَدْ أَمْسَيْتَ في تُرْبِ نَفْنفِ
6. I didn't get half enough of you before
Death's arrows struck true, to your detriment
٦. وما نِلْتُ مِنْكَ النَّصْفَ حتَّى ارْتَمَت بك
المَنايا بسَهْمٍ صائِبِ الوَقْعِ أعْجَفِ
7. Oh, if only you were alive, I would have found
Your equal - like polished armor, magnificent
٧. فَيا ألفَ ألفٍ كُنْتَ حَيّاً مُسلّماً
لألْقاكَ مِثلَ القَسْوَرِ المُتَطَرّفِ
8. As you were, when you avoided reproach
When the horses charged, decked with gold trappings and opulence
٨. كَما كُنْتَ إذ كنتَ المُنَحَّى من الرّدَى
إذا الخَيْلُ جالَتْ بالقَنا المتقصِّفِ
9. How many terrified and cowering enemies have you faced
With your white sword that severs necks, ever diligent
٩. وكَمْ مِنْ لَهيفٍ مُحجَرٍ قَدْ أجَبْتَهُ
بأَبْيَضَ قَطّاعِ الضريبةِ مُرْهَفِ
10. Saving them though death scorched their mouths
Without being stabbed or blown to bits in violence
١٠. فأنْقَذْتَهُ والمَوْت يَحْرقُ نابَهُ
عَلَيْهِ ولَمْ يُطْعَنْ ولَمْ يُتَنَسَّفِ