
I halted my she-camel at the door of Ibn Marwan's son

أنيخت لدى باب ابن مروان ناقتي

1. I halted my she-camel at the door of Ibn Marwan's son
Thrice at evening she had been taken to a male for mating

١. أُنِيخَتْ لَدى بابِ ابْنِ مَرْوانَ ناقَتِي
ثَلاثاً لَها عِنْدَ النِّتاجِ صَرِيفُ

2. His slaves walk her about every night
With two ropes of goat's hair twisted together

٢. يُطِيفُ بِها فِتْيانُهُ كُلَّ لَيْلَةٍ
بِنيرَيْنِ مِئْرانُ الجبالِ وَرِيفُ

3. A boy took charge of her when still growing up
So she came to have ample forelegs, tame and familiar

٣. غُلامٌ تَلَقَّى سُؤْدَداً وَهُوَ ناشِىءٌ
فآتَتْ بهِ رَحْبَ الذِّراعِ أَلِيفُ

4. Of pure stock, like the incensed Yemeni; easy to control
When refused provender, with restrained generosity

٤. بِقيلٍ كتَحْبِيرِ اليَماني ونَائِلٍ
إذا قُلِّبَتْ دُونَ العَطاءِ كُفُوفُ

5. And we rode as though astride an ostrich
Over rugged ground where gum trees shed their scent

٥. ورُحْنا كأنّا نَمْتَطِي أخْدَرِيَّةً
أَضَرَّ بِها رَخْوُ اللِّبانِ عَنِيفُ

6. They packed her saddle until, unable to bear more
Of ornaments at her girth, she threw them off

٦. وحَلاَّها حتّى إذا لَمْ يَسَعْ لَها
حليٍّ بجَنْبَيْ ثادِقٍ وجَفيفُ

7. She bolted at a mirage, hunched up her slender forearms
Decked with bracelets, flexible like osiers

٧. أَرَنَّ عليها قارِباً وانْتَحَتْ لَهُ
مُبَرَّةُ أرساغِ اليَدَيْنِ زَرُوفُ

8. Toying with trinkets; the running had polished her flesh
So she had no withers in summer, but was plump

٨. تُهادي خجوجاً خَدَّدَ الجَرْيُ لَحْمَها
فَلا جَحْشُها بالصيفِ فَهْي خروفُ