1. O Hajjaj, truly God has granted you the utmost limit,
Which the aspirations of others fall short of attaining.
١. أَحَجَّاجُ إنَّ اللّهَ أَعْطاك غايَةً
يُقَصِّرُ عنها مَن أَرادَ مَداها
2. O Hajjaj, your sword shall not be blunted, but only
By the decree of God wherever He has ordained it.
٢. أَحَجَّاجُ لا يُفْلَلْ سِلاحُكَ إنّما ال
مَنايا بِكَفِّ اللّهِ حيثُ يَراها
3. When Hajjaj descends upon an ailing land,
He follows its disease to its furthest extent and cures it.
٣. إذا هَبَطَ الحَجَّاجُ أَرْضاً مَريضةً
تَتَبَّعَ أَقْصى دائِها فَشفاها
4. He cures it of insoluble, entrenched disease
Like a young man shaking the spear that quenches its thirst,
٤. شَفاها مِنَ الدّاءِ العُضالِ الذي بِها
غُلامٌ إذا هَزَّ القَناةَ سَقاها
5. Quenching its thirst with the blood of rebels and healing it,
When it grows restive one day and its harm is feared.
٥. سَقاها دِماءَ المارِقينَ وعَلَّها
إذا جَمحَتْ يَوْماً وَخِيفَ أَذاها
6. When Hajjaj hears the neighing of an equine troop,
He prepares their settlements for them before they descend.
٦. إذا سَمعَ الحجَّاجُ رِزّ كَتِيبةٍ
أَعَدَّ لها قَبْلَ النزولِ قِراها
7. He prepares for them sharpened Persian scimitars
In the hands of men who milk their lobes.
٧. أَعَدَّ لَها مَصْقُولةً فارِسيَّةً
بأَيْدِي رجالٍ يَحْلُبونَ صُراها
8. Thus no virgin womb or ally has birthed his equal
In Nejd or any land where its ruins decay.
٨. فَمَا وَلَدَ الأَبْكارُ والعَوْنُ مِثْلَهُ
بِنَجْدٍ ولا أَرْضٍ يَجِفُّ ثَراها
9. O Hajjaj, do not grant the rebels their wish,
And God does not grant the rebels their wish.
٩. أَحَجَّاجُ لا تُعْطِ العُصاةَ مُناهُمُ
ولا اللّهُ يُعْطِي لِلْعُصاةِ مُناها
10. No oath-breaking traitor who assumed the pledge
And broke God's covenant made it great then annulled it.
١٠. ولا كَلَّ حَلاَّفٍ تَقَلَّدَ بَيْعَةً
فأَعْظَمَ عَهْدَ اللّهِ ثُمَّ شَراها