
The virgins weep with the wailing of women

لتبك العذارى من خفاجة نسوة

1. The virgins weep with the wailing of women
With tears of sorrow overflowing

١. لِتَبْكِ العذارى مِن خَفاجَةَ نِسوةٌ
بماءِ شُؤونِ العَبْرةِ المُتَحدِّرِ

2. As if the best of all men, repentance itself
Did not dry their shirts that scrape the pebbles

٢. كأنَّ فتى الفتيانِ تَوبَةَ لَمْ يُنِخْ
قلائصَ يَفْحَصْنَ الحَصى بالكراكرِ

3. If the slain are a disgrace, then you
Did not kill the best of Awf ibn Amir’s family

٣. فإنْ تكُنِ القَتْلى بَواءً فإنَّكُمْ
فتىً ما قَتلُتمْ آلَ عوفِ بنِ عامرِ

4. A man who was more alive than any lively girl
And bolder than a lion with broken canines

٤. فتىً كان أحيا من فتاةٍ حييةٍ
وأجرأَ من ليثٍ بخَفّانَ خادِرِ