1. I was disturbed, though not by a troubling hour,
When they encamped by Abu Hayy between Jujujb.
١. طَرِبْتُ وما هذا بسَاعَةِ مَطْرَبٍ
إلى الحي حَلّوا بَيْنَ عاذٍ فجُبْجُبِ
2. Of old their abode which now lies in ruins
Played with by the winds through every playground.
٢. قَدِيماً فأَمْسَتْ دارُهُمْ قَدْ تَلَعَّبَتْ
بِها خَرَقاتُ الريحِ من كُلِّ مَلْعَبِ
3. How often did their lookout see me, and I him,
My uncle, generous and my father there.
٣. وكَمْ قَدْ رَأَى رائِيهِمُ وَرَأَيْتُهُ
بِها ليَ مِنْ عمٍّ كَرِيمٍ ومِنْ أَبِ
4. Horsemen of highborn Nafilis, chiefs,
And of Ka'b, glorious stock, never cut off.
٤. فَوارِسُ مِنْ آلِ النَّفاضَةِ سادَةٌ
ومِنْ آلِ كَعْبٍ سُؤْدَدٌ غَيْرُ مُعْقَبِ
5. A raid on Humaid while they slept we made
And never a tent of theirs below a planet's course we missed.
٥. وحيٍّ حرِيدٍ قد صَبَحْنا بِغارَةٍ
فَلَمْ يُمْسِ بَيْتٌ مِنْهُمُ تَحْتَ كَوْكَبِ
6. We harried them, every brown hill,
Stout though small, charging them, every dun hill.
٦. شَنَنَّا عليهم كلَّ جَرْداءَ شَطْبَةٍ
لَجُوجٍ تُبارِي كُلَّ أَجْرَدَ شَرْجَبِ
7. The flight of the defeated in lowland when they scattered
Their reins loosed racing down every smooth plain.
٧. أَجَشَّ هَزِيمٍ في الخَبارِ إذا انْتَحى
هَوادِي عِطْفَيْهِ العِنان مُقرّبِ
8. The whinnying of their fauns along the zebras' flanks
Is like the jangling bells of Al-Walid's pierced camel.
٨. لوَحْشِيِّها مِنْ جانبَيْ زَفَيانِها
حَفِيفٌ كَخُذْرُوفِ الوَلِيدِ المُثَقَّبِ
9. When their swords mixed with hot blood draw
We stained them red as a running waterspout.
٩. إذا جاشَ بالماءِ الحَمِيمِ سِجالُها
نَضَخْنَ بِهِ نَضْخَ المَزادِ المسَرَّبِ
10. Leave that - but I wish, rider that I am,
When he speaks true his word is undeceived,
١٠. فَذَرْ ذا ولكنّي تَمَنَّيْتُ رَاكِباً
إذا قالَ قَوْلاً صادِقاً لَمْ يُكَذَّبِ
11. He has a she-camel of mine, saddle and pack,
Her flanks close to the saddle-pads.
١١. لَهُ ناقَةٌ عِنْدِي وَساعٌ وكُورُها
كِلا مِرْفَقَيْها عَنْ رَحاها بمُجْنَبِ
12. When a journey moves her she wings as fast
As the sandgrouse, shunning every bird of prey.
١٢. إذا حَرَّكَتْها رحْلَةٌ جَنَحَتْ بِهِ
جُنُوحَ القطاةِ تَنْتَحِي كُلَّ سَبْسَبِ
13. Winged like the rose-hued sandgrouse; their waters
Drawn near from the forbidden draughts.
١٣. جُنُوحَ قَطاةِ الوِرْدِ في عُصَبِ القَطا
قَرَبْنَ مِياهَ النِّهْيِ مِن كُلِّ مَقْرَبِ
14. They sped, over the dune-tops and below,
Past the spring whose taste no other water vies;
١٤. فَغادَيْنَ بالأَجْزاعِ فَوْقَ صَوائِقٍ
وَمَدْفَعِ ذاتِ العَيْنِ أَعْذَبَ مَشْرَبِ
15. They lingered, staring, their eyes like
A drinking-place glimpsed through a woven screen.
١٥. فَظَلْنَ نَشاوى بالعُيونِ كأَنَّها
شَرُوبٌ بَدَتْ عَنْ مَرْزُبانٍ مُحَجَّبِ
16. Sated awhile, hastily they raced back
Between the trellis for the henhouse roof.
١٦. فَنالَتْ قلِيلاً شافِياً وَتَعجَّلتْ
لنادِلِها بَيْنَ الشِّباكِ وَتَنْضُبِ
17. They pass the night at Mawmah and dawn
Among the hoods of the cheating gallant.
١٧. تَبِيتُ بمَوْماةٍ وتُصْبِحُ ثاوياً
بِها في أَفاحِيصِ الغَوِيِّ المُعَصَّبِ
18. Close-pressed wings and croaking vocals
Clasping her gullet in her beloved's gown.
١٨. وَضَمَّتْ إلى جَوْفٍ جَناحاً وجُؤْجُؤاً
وناطَتْ قليلاً في سِقاءٍ مُحَبَّبِ
19. When her wingbeats paused she slapped
Her cheeks one after the other.
١٩. إذا فَتَرَتْ ضَرْبَ الجَناحَيْنِ عاقَبَتْ
عَلى شُزُنَيْها مَنْكِباً بَعْدَ مَنْكَبِ
20. When they sensed her clangor and cowered,
Fleeing her insistence on return:
٢٠. فَلَمَّا أَحَسَّا جَرْسَها وتضوَّرا
وَأَوْبَتها منْ ذلكَ المُتَأوِّبِ
21. She draped herself down the knolls like
Globes on a Nubian boy's striped cloak.
٢١. تَدَلَّتْ إلى حُصِّ الرُّؤُّوسِ كأنَّها
كُراتُ غُلامٍ مِنْ كِساءٍ مُرَنَّبِ
22. When night's shadows lifted from her and she gave them
A cooling draft from the sealed waterskin,
٢٢. فَلَمَّا انْجَلَتْ عَنْها الدُّجى وسَقَتْهُما
صَبِيبَ سِقاءٍ نِيطَ لمّا يخرّبِ
23. She left at dawn like a reed-mace tail beyond reach,
Her shelter become a booming, unallied lair.
٢٣. غَدَتْ كَنَواةِ القَسْبِ عنها وأَصْبَحَتْ
تُراطِنُها دَوّيّةٌ لَمْ تُعَرَّبِ
24. My only wish is my rider not be sent astray
And every creeping doubtful thing be kept from him,
٢٤. ولي في المُنى ألاّ يُعرّجَ راكبي
وَيحْبِسَ عنها كُلَّ شيءٍ مُتَرَّبِ
25. And that the porter with his key for her place of rest
Unbar the door of the daubed trellis for her.
٢٥. ويُفْرِجُ بَوَّابٌ لَها عَنْ مُناخِها
بإقْلِيدِه بابَ الرِّتَاجِ المُضبّبِ
26. When my she-camel's tethered at Ibn Marwan's door
No coaches will be her canopy.
٢٦. إذا ما أُنيخَتْ بابنِ مَرْوانَ ناقَتي
فلَيسَ عَلَيْها لِلْهَبانِيقِ مَرْكَبي
27. She's honored near me there, her case resolved
Once and for all, no second judgment sought.
٢٧. أُذِلَّتْ بقُرْبي عِنْدَه وقَضى لها
قَضاءً فَلَمْ يُنْقَضْ ولم يُتَعَقَّبِ
28. For after God, you are her lord,
Her contentment safe from all fear and greed.
٢٨. فإنَّكَ بَعْدَ اللّهِ أَنْتَ أَميرُها
وقُنْعانُها مِنْ كُلِّ خَوْفٍ ومرغبِ
29. Your rule is just; and were it not
That any hint of threat from you fills me with dread,
٢٩. فَتَقضِي فَلَوْلا أَنَّه كُلُّ ريبَةٍ
وكُلُّ قلِيلٍ مِنْ وَعِيدِكِ مُرْهِبي
30. Then never would the unjust aggressor seek
Darkness against me, nor would I seek conflict.
٣٠. إذاً ما ابْتَغى العادِي الظَّلُومُ ظُلامةً
عَلَيَّ ومَا أَجْلَبْتُ للْمُتَجَلِّبِ
31. Rather, I charge the sons of calumny and pursue
For her the rights of truth from every demand.
٣١. تُبادِرُ أبناءَ الوشاةِ وَتَبْتَغِي
لَها طَلَباتِ الحقِّ مِن كُلِّ مَطْلَبِ
32. Traveling till the dawn is seen and the day
Continuous, before the sun travels on.
٣٢. إذا أَدْلَجَتْ حَتَّى تَرى الصُبحَ واصَلَتْ
أدِيمَ نَهارِ الشَّمْسِ ما لَمْ تَغَيَّبِ
33. When she saw the Amir's house she pulled
And the caller's blessed, melodious invitation.
٣٣. فَلمَّا رَأَتْ دَارَ الأَميرِ تَحاوَصَتْ
وصَوْتُ المُنادي بالأذانِ المثوَّبِ
34. And the opponents' shouts echoing back
From the houses with high decorated doors,
٣٤. وتَرْجِيعُ أصْواتِ الخصومِ يردّها
سُقُوفُ بيوتٍ في طِمارِ مُبَوَّبِ
35. A constant murmur sounds above, as if
It were the hum of bees busy at work.
٣٥. يَظَلُّ لأَعْلاها دَوِيٌّ كأنَّهُ
تَرَنُّمُ قارِي بَيْتِ نَحْلٍ مُجَوَّبِ