
The good tidings turned away from Bani al-Haddad's youth

ولى بشارة عن بني الحداد في

1. The good tidings turned away from Bani al-Haddad's youth
As destiny had ruled

١. وَلى بشارةُ عَن بَني الحدَّادِ في
شَرخِ الشَبيبةِ مَثلَما حَكمَ القَضا

2. So the Lord of the Throne quenched him with a downpour of mercy
Bestow blessings and be generous upon his soil with contentment

٢. فَسَقاهُ رَبُّ العَرشِ صَيِّبَ رَحمةٍ
أَرِّخ وَجادَ عَلى ثَراهُ بِالرِضى