1. Greet with a portrait the one whose grave you greet
The breezes of contentment and the coolness of devotion appeared in it
١. حَيِّ رَسماً لِمَن تُحيِّي ثَراهُ
نَسَماتُ الرِّضى وَبَردُ العِهادِ
2. No image of perfection, but the image of
Virtue, nobility, and affectionate loyalty
٢. لاحَ فيهِ مِثالهُ بَل مِثال ال
فَضلِ وَالنُّبلِ وَالوَفاءِ الودادِ
3. My hands drew it and in my heart of it
Is what I have drawn with my hands
٣. رَسَمتْهُ يَدي وَفي القَلبِ مِنهُ
مِثل ما قَد رَسَمْتهُ بِالأَيادي
4. So it is as if I transferred it from my inner self
Or as if I placed my inner self in it
٤. فَكَأَنّي نَقَلتهُ عَن فُؤادي
أَو كَأَنِّي جَعَلتُ فيهِ فُؤادي
5. And someone said describe for us what is beauty, I said to him
This that hands cannot define
٥. وَقائل صِفْ لَنا ما الحُسن قُلت لَهُ
هَذا الَّذي لَيسَ لِلتَّعريفِ فيهِ يَدُ
6. No one among all people is ignorant of beauty
And none of them knows its essence
٦. لا يَجهلُ الحسنَ ما بَينَ الوَرى أَحَداً
وَلَيسَ يَعلمُ مِنهُم كُنْههُ أَحَدُ
7. A secret flickers behind perception, inscribed
In the soul, and it is uniquely out of reach
٧. سِرٌّ يَلوحُ وَراءَ الحسِّ مُرتَسِماً
في النَفس وَهوَ عَن الإِدراك مُنفَردُ
8. But the eye sees in it the shape of its bearer
And its share is only what the body sees
٨. لَكن تَرى العَينَ مِنهُ شَكلَ حامِلهِ
وَإِنَّما حَظَّها مَما تَرى الجَسَدُ