1. Tell of my passion with memories of that house,
And recall conversations from days of old.
١. عَلّل حَشاي بِذكر ذاكَ المَنزِلِ
وَأَعِد أَحاديثَ الزَمانِ الأَوَّلِ
2. Forgive me if tears flow ahead of me -
Unsettled am I, and longing has gripped my being.
٢. وَأعذُر إِذا اِبتَدَرَت سَوابقُ أَدمُعِي
طَرَباً وَحَلَّ الوَجدُ عَقدَ تَجَمُّلي
3. A time when I left behind the carefree days of youth
And forsook the sweetness of my delight and love poems -
٣. زَمَنٌ بِهِ خَلّفتُ أَيَّام الصِّبى
وَتَرَكتُ طيبَ لَذاذَتي وَتَغَزُّلي
4. Days when dreams served us full of joy,
And the lover frolicked freely in open spaces.
٤. أَيامَ تَخدُمنا المُنى مَنقادةً
وَأَخو الهَوى في الرَّبعِ يَمرَحُ كَالخَلِي
5. He raced on the back of a lively steed, and how often
Was he brightly dressed in the neighborhood!
٥. يَجري عَلى مَتنِ الأَغرِّ وَكَم لَهُ
في الحَيِّ مِن يَومٍ أَغَرَّ محجَّلِ
6. With a band who took frivolity as their creed,
avoiding the way of the pretentious.
٦. في عُصبةٍ تَخِذُوا الصَبابةَ مَذهَباً
لَهُمُ وَعافوا مَذهَبَ المتَبَذِّلِ
7. They passed goblets around, some sighed with longing,
Others shook with memories of past trysts.
٧. وَرَدُوا الكُؤوسَ فَأَرْيَحِيٌّ لِلنَدى
مِنهُم وَمُهتَزٌّ لَذكرِ القَسطَلِ
8. Their singer enchants - you’d think his words
Were magic and his goblet an obvious sorcerer.
٨. يَفتَنُّ مُنشِدُهُم فَتَحسَبُ لَفطَهُ
مِن كَأسِهِ وَبَيانِهِ السحرَ الجَلِي
9. As if the esteemed Salim were dictating a poem
While the people sat rapt between praiser and glorifier.
٩. وَكَأَنَّما يُملي السَليم قَصيدةً
فَالقَومُ بَينَ مكبِّرٍ وَمُهَلِّلِ
10. Meanings subtle as sleep described precisely, as if
Strands of pearls threaded skillfully together.
١٠. النائم المَعنى الدَقيق كَأَنَّهُ
أَسلاك دُرٍّ بِالجُمانِ مفصَّلِ
11. When my companion waxes eloquent, I think
He's reciting to me messages from afar.
١١. ماضي الجَنان إِذا أَفاضَ حَسِبتَهُ
يَتلو عَلَيكَ صَحيفةَ المُتَرَسِّلِ
12. When he flows over obstacles, I watch him
Like flashes of lightening through pouring rain.
١٢. وَإِذا جَرى فَوقَ الطُّروسِ يَراعَهُ
فَوَميضُ بَرقٍ في سَحابٍ مُسبَلِ
13. The spark of ideas, if exposed in the night,
Would outshine the glow of any torch.
١٣. مُتَوَقِّدُ الأفكارِ لَو بَرَزَتْ لَنا
في اللَيل أَغنَت عَن ضياءِ المَشعلِ
14. A heart of old carried by one with the freshness
Of supple youth, like the edge of a sharp blade.
١٤. قَلبٌ مِن الأَشياخِ يَحمِلُهُ فَتىً
غَضُّ الشَبيبةِ مِثل حَدِّ المَنصلِ
15. And many a gentle visitor revived me
When her soft fingers grazed my own.
١٥. وَلَرَبَّ قادِمَةٍ عَليَّ بِلُطفِها
أَحيَتْ فُؤادي حينَ مَسَّت أَنمُلِي
16. A beauty who lifted her veil as she passed by,
Leaving traces of sweet perfume behind.
١٦. غَيداءُ مُرسَلةُ النِقابِ وَراءَهُ
وَأَمامَهُ نَفَحاتُ عُرفِ المَندَلِي
17. She followed the tracks of her beloved, and often
The northern breeze carried those signs to me.
١٧. وافَت بِآثارِ الحَبيبِ وَطالَما
وافى إِليَّ بِها نَسيمُ الشَمأَلِ
18. A slender darling I met being helped
By her ailing lover, bent over his cane.
١٨. حَسناءُ ناحِلَةُ القوامِ لقيتُه
مِن عَطف عاشِقِها السَقيمِ بِأَنحلِ
19. I glanced at her after tears welled up in me
Like messages sent, wave after wave.
١٩. قابَلتُها فَرَدَدَتُ طَرفي بَعدَما
طَفَحَت عَليّ شُؤون دَمعي المُرسَلِ
20. She complained of our separation - it reopened
A wound in me, leaving us both distraught.
٢٠. شَكَتِ الفِراقَ فَهَيَّجَت عِندي شَجاً
أَمسى عَنِ الشكوى وَعَنها مُذهلي
21. O you who shunned me, though your phantom
Still wanders unresting in the folds of my heart!
٢١. يا مَن نَأى عَنِّي وَباتَ خَيالُهُ
في طَيِّ قَلبٍ عَنهُ لَم يَتَرَحّلِ
22. Between us is a pact of affection
That cuts through the darkest gloom.
٢٢. بَيني وَبَينَكَ لِلمَوَدّة ذمةٌ
قَطَعَت مِن الغَمَرات كُلَّ مُؤمَّلِ
23. Though oceans lie between our homes, not one drop
Has entered the space between our hearts.
٢٣. فَصَلَت مَنازِلنا البِحار وَقَطرةٌ
مِنهُنَّ بَينَ قُلوبَنا لَم تَدخُلِ
24. I pledged my passion though I have no rights to you,
Unable to break this improper bequest.
٢٤. وَلَقَد وَقَفتُ عَلى وَدادِكِ مُهجَتي
وَتَصُرُّفي في الوَقفِ غَير مَحَلَّلِ
25. I forgave myself for loving you
For you led me to the sweetest spring.
٢٥. وَعَذَرتُ نَفسي في هَواكِ لِأَنَّني
أَورَدتُها في الحُبِّ أَعذَبَ مَنهَلِ
26. And I who embraced love and spread it
Where it was safe from all blame -
٢٦. وَأَنا الَّذي أَلِف الهَوى وَأَذاعَهُ
مِن حَيثُ باتَ عَن المَلامِ بِمَعزَلِ
27. You asked what has passed of our days gone by
And what the future days might bring.
٢٧. أَسَأَلتَ ما قَد مَرَّ مِن أَيامُنا
عَما يَكونُ مِن الزَمانِ المُقبِلِ
28. God is Greatest! All things fall under His glory.
Every state has an ordained, unrelenting end.
٢٨. اللَهُ أَكبَرُ كُلّ حالٍ دونَها
أَجَلٌ وَصَرفُ الدَهرِ غَيرَ مُؤجَّلِ
29. The most precious thing I encountered one day of joy -
And God knows what will come after that!
٢٩. فَأَعَزُّ ما صادَفَتَ يَومَ مَسَرةٍ
وَاللَهُ يَعلَم بَعدَ ذَلِكَ مايَلي