
This bride, a maiden of the honorable family

هذي العروس فتاة آل كرامة

1. This bride, a maiden of the honorable family
Was betrayed by the passing days of her youth

١. هَذي العَروسُ فَتاةُ آلِ كَرامَةٍ
غَدرَت بِغَضِّ صِبائها الأَيّامُ

2. She lay shrouded in her wedding dress
Like the moon her beauty cloaked in clouds

٢. باتَت مكفنةً بِثَوبِ زَفافِها
كَالبَدرِ قَد وارى سَناهُ غَمامُ

3. She left Nicholas of the house of Thomas bereft
In his heart were arrows of sorrow

٣. تَرَكَت نِقولا مِن بَني توما وَفي
أَحشائه لِلنائِبات سِهامُ

4. She left him a child who cries for her
Whose tears add to the pain

٤. أَبقَت لَهُ طِفلاً يَئنُّ لِفَقدِها
فَتَزيدُ عِندَ بُكائِهِ الآلامُ

5. She passed into the neighborhood of God on her date
Upon the sympathetic one, mercy and peace

٥. أَمَّت جِوارَ اللَهِ في تاريخِها
فَعَلى الشَفيقةِ رَحمَةٌ وَسَلامُ