
A tale that told of the Arab nation

رواية قد روت عن أمة العرب

1. A tale that told of the Arab nation
Deeds not forgotten as days and eras pass

١. رِوايَةٌ قَد رَوَت عَن أُمَّةِ العَرَبِ
ما لَيسَ يُنسى عَلى الأَيّام وَالحِقَبِ

2. Achievements written in the scroll of glory
That if transcribed in gold would be truly classed

٢. مَآثِرٌ في سجلِّ المَجدِ قَد كتَبَت
لَو أَنصِفَتْ خَطَّها الرَّاوونَ بِالذَّهَب

3. These were the men, the men of pride we mention
Whose fame forever lives in word and text

٣. هُم الرِّجالُ رِجالُ الفَخرِ ذكرهمُ
باقٍ عَلى الدَّهرِ في الأَفواهِ وَالكُتُبِ

4. The people of excellence, in valor and generosity
And the masters of verse, words and address

٤. أَهلُ المَزِيةِ في بَأسٍ وَفي كَرَمٍ
وَسَادةُ الشِّعرِ وَالأَقوالِ وَالخُطبِ

5. How many places thrived where they stepped
And how long did their works thrive among foreigners and Arabs

٥. كَم غَصَّ نادٍ بِهِم قَدَماً وَكَم عَمَرَت
آثارَهُم نادياً في العُجمِ وَالعَرَبِ

6. We kept relating each rare incident of theirs
That was not devoid of the refinement or joy of man

٦. ظَلْنا نُطارحُ عَنهُم كُلَّ نادِرَةٍ
لَم تَخْلُ مِن أَدَبٍ لِلمَرءِ أَو طَرَبِ

7. Until their personages became clear to us and so
Every perplexing apprehension came to its relief

٧. حَتّى تَبَدّت لَنا أَشخاصُهُم فَقَضى
مِن أَجلِها كُلّ وَهمٍ أَعجَب العَجَبِ

8. In a night where sleep found no refuge
Nor eyes in seeing, any rest

٨. في لَيلَةٍ لَم يَكُن لِلحلم مُنتَجِعٌ
فيها وَلا في الكَرى لِلطَّرفِ مِن أَرَبِ

9. We saw the procession of those who passed
As if they were resurrected from the abode of dust

٩. بِتنا نَرى مَن خَلا مِن مَعشَر دَرَجوا
كَأَنَّهُم أُنشِروا مِن دارسِ التُّربِ

10. Then they vanished, and to God was their return, so nothing
Remained save His Auspicious Countenance behind the veils

١٠. ثُمَ اِنقَضَوا وَإِلى اللَّهِ المَصير وَما
يَبقى سِوى وَجههُ المَيمونُ في الحجبِ

11. By God, the sender of this cool morning breeze
Rightfully the excellence and refinement of man

١١. لِلّهِ ناشرُ هَذا البَرد مِن رجلٍ
وَفي النَّجابةِ حَقَّ الفَضلِ وَالأَدبِ

12. His hand renewed what had grown old for us
And though grapes hold no such meaning as wine

١٢. قَد جَدَّدتْ يَده وَشيَ القَديم لَنا
وَإِنَّ في الخَمرِ مَعنىً لَيسَ في العنَبِ