1. The generous people of Al-Khoury grieved
After the loss of the noble and glorious Hunon
١. ناحَت بَنو الخُوري الكِرامَ تَأَسُّفا
مِن بَعدِ حنونَ الكَريمَ الماجدِ
2. Indeed, the hands of fate betrayed him
And a pillar of virtues and praise collapsed
٢. شَهمٌ لَقَد غَدَرَت بِهِ أَيدي القَضا
فَهَوَتْ بِرُكنِ فَضائلِ وَمَحامدِ
3. He used to be the best refuge for the anguished
Generous towards orphans, kinder than a father
٣. قَد كانَ لِلمَلهوفِ أَفضَلَ مَلجَأ
كَرَماً ولَلِأَيتامِ أَرأَفَ والدِ
4. And he has passed away seeking the refuge of his God
In haste, so he was the most honorable arrival
٤. وَلَقَد مَضى يَبغي جِوارَ إِلهِهِ
عجلاً فَكانَ لَديهِ أَكرَمَ وافدِ
5. And so he attained, as dated in his record
The finest hospitality in eternal bliss
٥. وَلِذاكَ نالَ كَما تؤرِّخُ عِندَهُ
أَسنى الكَرامةِ في النَعيمِ الخالدِ