
The son of Zarifa Al Mufaddal did reside

ثوى ابن ظريفة المفضال لحدا

1. The son of Zarifa Al Mufaddal did reside
His eyelids were watered by talent inside

١. ثَوَى اِبنُ ظَريفة المفضالِ لَحداً
سَقى صَفَحاتِهِ الجَفنُ القَريحُ

2. A young man who wounded hearts yet healed
With his good deed the wounded heart did yield

٢. فَتىً جرحَ القلوبَ وَكانَ يَشفى
بِحسنِ صَنيعِهِ القَلبُ الجَريحُ

3. Happiness he did attain in high sky
Though in soil lies for him a grave thereby

٣. لَقَد نالَ السَعادةَ في الأَعالي
وَإِن يَكُ في التُرابِ لَهُ ضَريحُ

4. In home of history where did meet
Isaac and the lamb offered for feast

٤. لَدى تاريخِ دارٍ قَد تَلاقى
بِها اسحقُ وَالحَملُ الذَبيحُ