
This noble lady of the Akkawi family has passed

هذه كريمة آل عكاوي مضت

1. This noble lady of the Akkawi family has passed
Alas, making every eye shed tears of blood

١. هَذهْ كَريمةُ آلِ عَكَّاوي مَضَت
أَسَفاً فَأَجرَت كُلَّ عَينٍ بِالدَّمِ

2. She has joined Tanios son of Nasr, her companion
So they dwell together in the abode of greatest bliss

٢. لَحِقَت بِطَنُّوسَ ابنِ نَصرٍ قَرينَها
فَتجاورا بِحِمَى النَّعيمِ الأَعظَمِ

3. She has left this life and departed
Leaving behind virtues in people unconcealed

٣. قَد فارَقَت هَذي الحَياةَ وَغادَرَت
في النّاسِ ذِكرَ فضائلٍ لَم تُكتَمِ

4. And for her sake the historian has written lines
To give the good news of salvation to Maryam

٤. وَلِأَجلِها كَتبَ المُؤرِّخُ أَسطُراً
يُهدى بِها بُشرى الخَلاصِ لِمريَمِ