
Welcome, O greatest newcomer to visit this sanctuary

أهلا بأكبر وافد زار الحمى

1. Welcome, O greatest newcomer to visit this sanctuary
Of his honorable family, the foremost in glory

١. أَهلا بِأَكبرِ وافدٍ زارَ الحِمى
مِن آلِ بَيِّهِمُ أُولِى المَجدِ السني

2. Greetings, Muhammad Rashid, his face
A radiant full moon bringing joy to all eyes

٢. حيَّا محمدُ راشدٍ مِن وجههِ
بَدرٌ تَأَلَّقَ بَهجَة لِلأَعيُنِ

3. This is the messenger of good fortune who came bearing glad tidings
Of amiability, prosperity, and a happy life

٣. هَذا رَسولُ السَعدِ جاءَ مُبَشِّراً
بِالصَفوِ وَالإِقبالِ وَالعَيشِ الهَنِي

4. The Merciful has sent the best successor after him
Thus he was named Abd al-Muhsin

٤. خَلَفٌ بِهِ الرَحمانُ أَحسَن أَرِّخوا
فَلِذاكَ قَد سَمّوهُ عَبدَ المُحسنِ